Removing found watermarks

Remove watermark

GroupDocs.Watermark API enables you to easily find and remove a particular watermark from a document. Following code serves this purpose.


// Specify an absolute or relative path to your document. Ex: @"C:\Docs\document.pdf"
using (Watermarker watermarker = new Watermarker("document.pdf"))
    PossibleWatermarkCollection possibleWatermarks = watermarker.Search();

    // Remove possible watermark at the specified index from the document.

    // Remove specified possible watermark from the document.


Remove watermark with particular text formatting

GroupDocs.Watermark also enables you to search and remove the watermarks on the basis of some particular text formatting. You can provide a search criterion containing font name, size, color etc and the API will find the watermarks with matching properties. Following code snippet shows how to search and remove watermarks with a particular text formatting.


// Specify an absolute or relative path to your document. Ex: @"C:\Docs\document.pdf"
using (Watermarker watermarker = new Watermarker("document.pdf"))
    TextFormattingSearchCriteria criteria = new TextFormattingSearchCriteria();
    criteria.ForegroundColorRange = new ColorRange();
    criteria.ForegroundColorRange.MinHue = -5;
    criteria.ForegroundColorRange.MaxHue = 10;
    criteria.ForegroundColorRange.MinBrightness = 0.01f;
    criteria.ForegroundColorRange.MaxBrightness = 0.99f;
    criteria.BackgroundColorRange = new ColorRange();
    criteria.BackgroundColorRange.IsEmpty = true;
    criteria.FontName = "Arial";
    criteria.MinFontSize = 19;
    criteria.MaxFontSize = 42;
    criteria.FontBold = true;

    PossibleWatermarkCollection watermarks = watermarker.Search(criteria);


GroupDocs.Watermark API allows you to search and remove hyperlinks in a document of any supported format. Following code sample shows how to find and remove hyperlinks with a particular URL from a document.


// Specify an absolute or relative path to your document. Ex: @"C:\Docs\document.pdf"
using (Watermarker watermarker = new Watermarker("document.pdf"))
    PossibleWatermarkCollection watermarks = watermarker.Search(new TextSearchCriteria(new Regex(@"someurl\.com")));
    for (int i = watermarks.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        // Ensure that only hyperlinks will be removed.
        if (watermarks[i] is HyperlinkPossibleWatermark)
            // Output the full url of the hyperlink

            // Remove hyperlink from the document


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