Protecting Word documents

Since version 18.6, GroupDocs.Watermark provides a simplified way of protecting the Word documents with the password. The API allows you to protect as well as unprotect the Word documents. The following protection types are supported:

  • AllowOnlyRevisions: user can only add revision marks to the document.

  • AllowOnlyComments: user can only modify comments in the document.

  • AllowOnlyFormFields: user can only enter data in the form fields in the document.

  • ReadOnly: no changes are allowed to the document.

The protection types are added to the WordProcessingProtectionType enum. Following code samples demonstrate how to protect and unprotect Word documents.

Protecting a document

Following code sample protects a Word document with the password.


WordProcessingLoadOptions loadOptions = new WordProcessingLoadOptions();                                   
// Specify an absolute or relative path to your document. Ex: "C:\\Docs\\document.docx"
Watermarker watermarker = new Watermarker("document.docx", loadOptions);                          
WordProcessingContent content = watermarker.getContent(WordProcessingContent.class);                       
content.protect(WordProcessingProtectionType.ReadOnly, "7654321");                                         

Unprotecting a document

The following code sample shows how to unprotect a Word document regardless of password.


WordProcessingLoadOptions loadOptions = new WordProcessingLoadOptions();                                   
// Specify an absolute or relative path to your document. Ex: "C:\\Docs\\document.docx"
Watermarker watermarker = new Watermarker("document.docx", loadOptions);                          
WordProcessingContent content = watermarker.getContent(WordProcessingContent.class);                       

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