Get the format family and the additional information

A format family is a group of several file types for which an application provides additional information. For example, archive files (.7z, .rar, .zip, etc.) or Outlook files (.ost, .pst) are format families.

You can get the format family and the additional information using the getViewInfo method that returns a ViewInfo object.

GroupDocs.Viewer provides additional information for the following format families:

Get the file type and the pages count from a file

The following code snippet shows how to get the file type and the pages count from a file:

const viewer = new groupdocs.viewer.Viewer("sample.pdf")
// Get file information.
const viewInfoOptions = ViewInfoOptions.forHtmlView()
const viewInfo = viewer.getViewInfo(viewInfoOptions)
console.log("Document type is: " + viewInfo.getFileType())
console.log("Pages count: " + viewInfo.getPages().size())

The following image shows a sample console output: