Supported file formats

Need to view files online? Try the GroupDocs.Viewer App to open DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, and more.

This topic lists file formats supported by GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET. You can use the input below to filter supported formats by extension.

Archive and compression file formats

FormatDescriptionAutomatic format detection
7Z7-Zip Compressed File(tick)
BZ2Bzip2 Compressed File(tick)
GZGnu Zipped Archive(tick)
RARWinRAR Compressed Archive(tick)
TARConsolidated Unix File Archive(tick)
TGZGzipped Tar File(tick)
TXZXZ Compressed Tar Archive(tick)
XZXZ Compressed Archive(tick)
ZIPZipped File(tick)
ZstandardZstandard Archive(tick)
ISOOptical Disk Image(tick)
LHA / LZHLha/Lzh Archive(tick)

Refer to the following help topic for details on how to use GroupDocs.Viewer to load and view archive files: Render archives as HTML, PDF, and image files.

CAD and 3D file formats

FormatDescriptionAutomatic format detectionRemarks
CF2Common File Format(tick)
DGNMicroStation Design File (V7)(tick)DGN V8 is not supported
as DGN V8 file format
is proprietary.
DWFDesign Web Format(tick)
DWGAutoCAD Drawing(tick)Supported formats:
Release 11, 12, 13, 14.
DWG 2000, 2000i, 2002.
DWG 2004, 2005, 2006.
DWG 2010, 2011, 2012.
DWG 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016.
DWTAutoCAD Drawing Template(tick)
DXFDrawing Exchange Format(tick)
HPGHPGL (Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language) Plot File(tick)
IFCIndustry Foundation Classes(tick)
IGSIGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) Drawing(tick)
OBJWavefront 3D Object File(tick)
PLTAutoCAD Plotter Document(tick)
STLStereolithography File(tick)

Refer to the following help topic for details on how to use GroupDocs.Viewer to load and view CAD files: Render CAD drawings and models as HTML, PDF, and image files.

Database file formats

FormatDescriptionAutomatic format detection
NSFLotus Notes Database File(tick)

Refer to the following help topic for details on how to use GroupDocs.Viewer to load and view NSF files: Render Lotus Notes database files as HTML, PDF, and image files.

EBook file formats

FormatDescriptionAutomatic format detection
EPUBOpen EBook Format(tick)
MOBIMobipocket EBook(tick)
AZW3AZ3/KF8 EBook Format(tick)

Email file formats

FormatDescriptionAutomatic format detection
EMLEmail Message(tick)
EMLXApple Mail Message(tick)
MBOXEmail Mailbox File(tick)
MSGOutlook Message Item File(tick)
VCARD / VCFvCard (Virtual Contact) File(tick)

Refer to the following help topic for details on how to use GroupDocs.Viewer to load and view email messages: Render email messages as HTML, PDF, PNG, and JPEG files.

Image file formats

FormatDescriptionAutomatic format detectionRemarks
AI *Adobe Illustrator Artwork(tick)Supported versions: 2, 3, 8
APNGAnimated Portable Network Graphic(tick)
BMPBitmap Image(tick)
CDRCorelDRAW Image File(tick)
CGMComputer Graphics Metafile(tick)
CMXCorel Presentation Exchange Image(tick)Supported version: 2.0 with 32-bit precision (16-bit precision is partially supported).
DCMDICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) Image(tick)
DIBDevice Independent Bitmap File(tick)
DJVUDjVu Image(tick)
DNGDigital Negative Image(tick)
EMFEnhanced Windows Metafile(tick)
EMZWindows Compressed Enhanced Metafile(tick)
EPSEncapsulated PostScript File(tick)
FODGOpenDocument Flat XML Graphics(tick)
GIFGraphical Interchange Format(tick)
ICOWindows Icon File(tick)
J2CJPEG 2000 Code Stream(tick)
J2KJPEG 2000 Image(tick)
JP2JPEG 2000 Core Image File(tick)
JPCJPEG 2000 Code Stream File(tick)
JPEG / JPGJPEG Image(tick)
JFIFJPEG File Interchange Format(tick)
JPFJPEG 2000 Image(tick)
JPMJPEG 2000 Multi-layer Image Format(tick)
JPXJPEG 2000 Image File(tick)
JLSJPEG-LS Image(tick)
ODGOpenDocument Graphics File(tick)
OTGOpenDocument Graphics Template(tick)
PCLPrinter Command Language Document(tick)
PNGPortable Network Graphics(tick)
PSPostScript File(tick)
PSB *Photoshop Large Document Format(tick)
PSD *Adobe Photoshop Document(tick)
SVGScalable Vector Graphics File(tick)
SVGZCompressed SVG File(tick)
TGATARGA (Truevision Advanced Raster Graphics Adapter) Graphics(tick)
TIF / TIFFTagged Image File Format(tick)
WEBPWebP Image(tick)
WMFWindows Metafile(tick)
WMZCompressed Windows Metafile(tick)
AI, PSB, and PSD formats, marked by asterisk (*), currently are not supported by the GroupDocs.Viewer.CrossPlatform.

Refer to the following help topic for details on how to use GroupDocs.Viewer to load and view image files: Render images as HTML, PDF, PNG, and JPEG files.

Note-taking file formats

Note file formats family currently is not supported by the GroupDocs.Viewer.CrossPlatform.
FormatDescriptionAutomatic format detection
ONEMicrosoft OneNote Document(tick)

Outlook data file formats

FormatDescriptionAutomatic format detection
OSTOutlook Offline Storage Table(tick)
PSTOutlook Personal Storage Table(tick)

Refer to the following help topic for details on how to use GroupDocs.Viewer to load and view Microsoft Outlook data files: Render Outlook data files as HTML, PDF, and image files.

PDF and Page Layout file formats

FormatDescriptionAutomatic format detection
PDFAdobe Portable Document Format(tick)
XPSMicrosoft XML Paper Specification(tick)
OXPSOpenXPS (Open XML Paper Specification) File(tick)
TEXLaTeX Source Document(tick)
OFDOpen Fixed-layout Document

Refer to the following help topic for details on how to use GroupDocs.Viewer to load and view PDF files: Render PDF documents as HTML and image files.

Remarks regarding OFD

Starting from the version 24.12, the GroupDocs.Viewer started to support the OFD (Open Fixed-layout Document) format, defined by GB/T 33190-2016 aims to replace PDF in Chinese public institutions. For processing all the documents of this format the GroupDocs.Viewer requires that font SimSun.ttf must be installed on the operating system. When using Microsoft Windows this should not be the problem, because the SimSun is preinstalled in all the Windows versions and editions starting from the Windows 7 (for example, Windows 7 has preinstalled SimSun version 5.03, while Windows 10 — SimSun version 5.16). But on the Linux SimSun is usually not installed, and when trying to process such a file on Linux, a GroupDocsViewerException : Could not load file. File is corrupted or damaged. - Font SimSun was not found exception will be thrown.

In order to view and save arbitrary OFD file on Linux, the SimSun.ttf font should be loaded to the GroupDocs.Viewer using the FolderFontSource class and FontSettings.SetFontSources method, and this should be done before instantiating a Viewer class with OFD file. Article “Set custom fonts” describes setting a custom font in detail, but a short example of setting a SimSun and saving OFD to HTML on Linux is below:

using GroupDocs.Viewer;
using GroupDocs.Viewer.Options;
using GroupDocs.Viewer.Fonts;
// ...

//Put a SimSun.ttf to folder
string SimSunFolderPath = "full-valid-path\folder-with-SimSun-inside";
FolderFontSource fontSource = new FolderFontSource(SimSunFolderPath, SearchOption.TopFolderOnly);

using (Viewer viewer = new Viewer("Input-document.ofd"))
    HtmlViewOptions viewOptions = HtmlViewOptions.ForEmbeddedResources();
Imports GroupDocs.Viewer
Imports GroupDocs.Viewer.Options
Imports GroupDocs.Viewer.Fonts
' ...

' Put a SimSun.ttf to folder
Dim SimSunFolderPath As String = "full-valid-path\folder-with-SimSun-inside"
Dim fontSource As FolderFontSource = New FolderFontSource(SimSunFolderPath, SearchOption.TopFolderOnly)

Using viewer As Viewer = New Viewer("Input-document.ofd")
	Dim viewOptions As HtmlViewOptions = HtmlViewOptions.ForEmbeddedResources()
End Using

Presentation file formats

FormatDescriptionAutomatic format detection
FODPOpenDocument Flat XML Presentation(tick)
ODPOpenDocument Presentation(tick)
OTPOpenDocument Presentation Template(tick)
POTMicrosoft PowerPoint 97-2003 Template(tick)
POTMMicrosoft PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Template(tick)
POTXMicrosoft PowerPoint Template(tick)
PPSMicrosoft PowerPoint 97-2003 Slide Show(tick)
PPSMMicrosoft PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Slide Show(tick)
PPSXMicrosoft PowerPoint Slide Show(tick)
PPTMicrosoft PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation(tick)
PPTMMicrosoft PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Presentation(tick)
PPTXMicrosoft PowerPoint Presentation(tick)

Refer to the following help topic for details on how to use GroupDocs.Viewer to load and view presentations: Render PowerPoint presentations as HTML, PDF, and image files.

Project Management file formats

Project Management file formats family currently is not supported by the GroupDocs.Viewer.CrossPlatform.
FormatDescriptionAutomatic format detection
MPPMicrosoft Project(tick)
MPTMicrosoft Project Template(tick)
MPXMicrosoft Project Exchange File(tick)

Refer to the following help topic for details on how to use GroupDocs.Viewer to load and view Project files: Render Microsoft Project documents as HTML, PDF, and image files.

Spreadsheet file formats

FormatDescriptionAutomatic format detectionRemarks
CSVComma Separated Values File(tick)
FODSOpenDocument Flat XML Spreadsheet(tick)
NUMBERSApple Numbers Spreadsheet(tick)GroupDocs.Viewer supports version 3.5 and higher starting with v21.8.
ODSOpenDocument Spreadsheet(tick)
OTSOpenDocument Spreadsheet Template(tick)
SXCStarOffice Calc Spreadsheet(tick)
TSVTab Separated Values File(tick)
XLSMicrosoft Excel 97-2003 Workbook(tick)Supported formats: Excel 2003 (11.0), Excel 2002 (10.0), Excel 2000 (9.0), Excel 97 (8.0), Excel 95 (7.0), Excel 5.0.
XLSBMicrosoft Excel Binary Workbook(tick)
XLSMMicrosoft Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook(tick)
XLSXMicrosoft Excel Workbook(tick)
XLTMicrosoft Excel 97-2003 Template(tick)Supported formats: Excel 2003 (11.0), Excel 2002 (10.0), Excel 2000 (9.0), Excel 97 (8.0).
XLTXMicrosoft Excel Template(tick)
XLTMMicrosoft Excel Macro-Enabled Template(tick)
XLAMMicrosoft Excel Add-In(tick)
XMLXML Spreadsheet 2003(tick)

Refer to the following help topic for details on how to use GroupDocs.Viewer to load and view spreadsheet files: Render Excel and Apple Numbers spreadsheets as HTML, PDF, and image files.

Text and programming file formats

FormatDescriptionAutomatic format detection
AS / AS3ActionScript File
ASMAssembly Language Source Code File
BATDOS Batch File
CC/C++ Source Code File
CCC++ Source Code File
CPPC++ Source Code File
CSC# Source Code File(tick)
CSSCascading Style Sheet
CXXC++ Source Code File
DIFFPatch File
ERBRuby ERB Script
GROOVYGroovy Source Code File
HC/C++/Objective-C Header File
HAMLHaml Source Code File
HHC++ Header File
JAVAJava Source Code File
JSJavaScript File
JSONJavaScript Object Notation File
LESSLESS Style Sheet
LOGLog File
MObjective-C Implementation File
MAKEXcode Makefile Script
MDMarkdown Documentation File
MLML Source Code File
MMObjective-C++ Source File
PHPPHP Source Code File
PLPerl Script
PROPERTIESJava Properties File
PYPython Script
RBRuby Source Code
RSTreStructuredText File
SASSSyntactically Awesome StyleSheets File
SCALAScala Source Code File
SCMScheme Source Code File
SCRIPTGeneric Script File
SHBash Shell Script
SMLStandard ML Source Code File
SQLStructured Query Language Data File
TXTPlain Text File(tick)
VBVisual Basic Source Code File(tick)
VIMVim Settings File
XMLXML File(tick)

Refer to the following help topic for details on how to use GroupDocs.Viewer to load and view text and code files: Render text documents as HTML, PDF, and image files.

Visio file formats

Visio file formats family currently is not supported by the GroupDocs.Viewer.CrossPlatform.
FormatDescriptionAutomatic format detection
VDWVisio Web Drawing(tick)
VDXVisio Drawing XML File(tick)
VSDVisio 2003-2010 Drawing(tick)
VSDMVisio Macro-Enabled Drawing(tick)
VSDXVisio Drawing(tick)
VSSVisio 2003-2010 Stencil(tick)
VSSMVisio Macro-Enabled Stencil(tick)
VSSXVisio Stencil(tick)
VSTVisio 2003-2010 Template(tick)
VSTMVisio Macro-Enabled Template(tick)
VSTXVisio Template(tick)
VSXVisio Stencil XML File(tick)
VTXVisio Template XML File(tick)

Refer to the following help topic for details on how to use GroupDocs.Viewer to load and view Microsoft Visio files: Render Visio documents as HTML, PDF, and image files.

Web file formats

FormatDescriptionAutomatic format detection
CHMCompiled HTML Help Format(tick)
HTMLHypertext Markup Language Format(tick)
MHTMHTML Web Archive(tick)

Refer to the following help topic for details on how to use GroupDocs.Viewer to load and view web files: Render web documents as PDF, PNG, and JPEG files.

Word processing file formats

FormatDescriptionAutomatic format detection
DOCMicrosoft Word 97-2003 Document(tick)
DOCMMicrosoft Word Macro-Enabled Document(tick)
DOCXMicrosoft Word Document(tick)
DOTMicrosoft Word 97-2003 Template(tick)
DOTMMicrosoft Word Macro-Enabled Template(tick)
DOTXMicrosoft Word Template(tick)
ODTOpenDocument Text(tick)
OTTOpenDocument Text Template(tick)
RTFRich Text Document(tick)

Refer to the following help topic for details on how to use GroupDocs.Viewer to load and view Word documents: Render Word documents as HTML, PDF, and image files.


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