Render PDF documents as HTML and image files

GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET allows you to render your PDF files in HTML, PNG, and JPEG formats. Use this library to implement a simple PDF viewer within your .NET application (web or desktop).

Create a Viewer class instance to get started with the GroupDocs.Viewer API. Pass a document you want to view to the class constructor. You can load the document from a file or stream. Call one of the Viewer.View method overloads to convert the document to HTML or image format. These methods allow you to render the entire document or specific pages.

View PDF files online View demos and examples on GitHub

Supported Page Layout file formats

GroupDocs.Viewer supports the following PDF and Page Layout file formats:

GroupDocs.Viewer can detect the document format automatically based on information in the file header.

Render PDF files as HTML

Create an HtmlViewOptions class instance and pass it to the Viewer.View method to convert a PDF file to HTML. The HtmlViewOptions class properties allow you to control the conversion process. For instance, you can embed all external resources in the generated HTML file, minify the output file, and optimize it for printing. Refer to the following documentation section for details: Rendering to HTML.

Create an HTML file with embedded resources

To save all elements of an HTML page (including text, graphics, and stylesheets) into a single file, call the HtmlViewOptions.ForEmbeddedResources method and specify the output file name.

using GroupDocs.Viewer;
using GroupDocs.Viewer.Options;
// ...

using (var viewer = new Viewer("resume.pdf"))
    // Create an HTML file for each PDF page.
    // {0} is replaced with the current page number in the file name.
    var viewOptions = HtmlViewOptions.ForEmbeddedResources("page_{0}.html");
Imports GroupDocs.Viewer
Imports GroupDocs.Viewer.Options
' ...

Module Program
    Sub Main(args As String())
        Using viewer = New Viewer("resume.pdf")
            ' Create an HTML file for each PDF page.
            ' {0} is replaced with the current page number in the file name.
            Dim viewOptions = HtmlViewOptions.ForEmbeddedResources("page_{0}.html")
        End Using
    End Sub
End Module

The following image demonstrates the result:

Render a PDF file to HTML

Create an HTML file with external resources

If you want to store an HTML file and additional resource files (such as fonts, images, and stylesheets) separately, call the HtmlViewOptions.ForExternalResources method and pass the following parameters:

  • The output file path format
  • The path format for the folder with external resources
  • The resource URL format
using GroupDocs.Viewer;
using GroupDocs.Viewer.Options;
// ...

using (var viewer = new Viewer("resume.pdf"))
    // Create an HTML file for each PDF page.
    // Specify the HTML file names and location of external resources.
    // {0} and {1} are replaced with the current page number and resource name, respectively.
    var viewOptions = HtmlViewOptions.ForExternalResources("page_{0}.html", "page_{0}/resource_{0}_{1}", "page_{0}/resource_{0}_{1}");
Imports GroupDocs.Viewer
Imports GroupDocs.Viewer.Options
' ...

Module Program
    Sub Main(args As String())
        Using viewer = New Viewer("resume.pdf")
            ' Create an HTML file for each PDF page.
            ' Specify the HTML file names and location of external resources.
            ' {0} and {1} are replaced with the current page number and resource name, respectively.
            Dim viewOptions = HtmlViewOptions.ForExternalResources("page_{0}.html", "page_{0}/resource_{0}_{1}", "page_{0}/resource_{0}_{1}")
        End Using
    End Sub
End Module

The image below demonstrates the result. External resources are placed in a separate folder.

Place HTML resources in a separate folder

Create HTML with fixed layout

By default, PDF and EPUB documents are rendered to HTML with fixed layout to ensure that the output HTML looks the same as a source document. Rendering to fixed layout means that all the HTML elements are absolutely positioned to the container element. And container element has a fixed size so browser window resizing won’t have an effect on the position and size of elements in a document.

The following image demonstrates PDF document rendered HTML with fixed layout:

Create HTML with fixed layout

Create HTML with fluid layout

When rendering to HTML with fluid layout HTML document doesn’t have a fixed size. In case you resize a browser window the document content tries to fit into it. To create HTML with fluid layout set PdfOptions.FixedLayout property to false.

using GroupDocs.Viewer;
using GroupDocs.Viewer.Options;
// ...

using (var viewer = new Viewer("Letter.pdf"))
    // Create an HTML file for each PDF page.
    // {0} is replaced with the current page number in the file name.
    var viewOptions = HtmlViewOptions.ForEmbeddedResources("page_{0}.html");
    // Disable fixed layout.
    viewOptions.PdfOptions.FixedLayout = false;
Imports GroupDocs.Viewer
Imports GroupDocs.Viewer.Options
' ...

Module Program
    Sub Main(args As String())
        Using viewer = New Viewer("Letter.pdf")
            ' Create an HTML file for each PDF page.
            ' {0} is replaced with the current page number in the file name.
            Dim viewOptions = HtmlViewOptions.ForEmbeddedResources("page_{0}.html")
            ' Disable fixed layout.
            viewOptions.PdfOptions.FixedLayout = False
        End Using
    End Sub
End Module
When rendering PDF and EPUB documents to HTML with a fluid layout all the graphic content such as images are ignored.

The following image demonstrates the result:

Create HTML with fluid layout

Adjust image quality in the output HTML file

The HtmlViewOptions.PdfOptions.ImageQuality option allows you to specify the quality of images in the output HTML file. You can set this property to one of the following values:

  • ImageQuality.Low — The image resolution is low (96 DPI), and the image size is small. Use this value to increase the conversion performance.
  • ImageQuality.Medium — The image resolution is medium (192 DPI), and the image size is larger compared to the low quality images.
  • ImageQuality.High — The image resolution is high (300 DPI), and the image size is big. Use of this value may decrease the conversion performance.

The following code snippet shows how to set the medium image quality when rendering a PDF document to HTML:

using GroupDocs.Viewer;
using GroupDocs.Viewer.Options;
// ...

using (var viewer = new Viewer("resume.pdf"))
    // Create an HTML file for each document page.
    // {0} is replaced with the current page number in the file name.
    var viewOptions = HtmlViewOptions.ForEmbeddedResources("page_{0}.html");
    // Set image quality to medium.
    viewOptions.PdfOptions.ImageQuality = ImageQuality.Medium;
Imports GroupDocs.Viewer
Imports GroupDocs.Viewer.Options
' ...

Module Program
    Sub Main(args As String())
        Using viewer = New Viewer("resume.pdf")
            ' Create an HTML file for each document page.
            ' {0} is replaced with the current page number in the file name.
            Dim viewOptions = HtmlViewOptions.ForEmbeddedResources("page_{0}.html")
            ' Set image quality to medium.
            viewOptions.PdfOptions.ImageQuality = ImageQuality.Medium
        End Using
    End Sub
End Module

Render text as an image

GroupDocs.Viewer supports the HtmlViewOptions.PdfOptions.RenderTextAsImage option that allows you to render text as an image when you convert a PDF file to HTML. In this case, the layout of the output HTML file closely mirrors the layout of the source PDF document.

The following code snippet shows how to enable this option in code:

using GroupDocs.Viewer;
using GroupDocs.Viewer.Options;
// ...

using (var viewer = new Viewer("resume.pdf"))
    // Create an HTML file for each document page.
    // {0} is replaced with the current page number in the file name.
    var viewOptions = HtmlViewOptions.ForEmbeddedResources("text-as-image_{0}.html");
    // Enable rendering text as image.
    viewOptions.PdfOptions.RenderTextAsImage = true;
Imports GroupDocs.Viewer
Imports GroupDocs.Viewer.Options
' ...

Module Program
    Sub Main(args As String())
        Using viewer = New Viewer("resume.pdf")
            ' Create an HTML file for each document page.
            ' {0} is replaced with the current page number in the file name.
            Dim viewOptions = HtmlViewOptions.ForEmbeddedResources("text-as-image_{0}.html")
            ' Enable rendering text as image.
            viewOptions.PdfOptions.RenderTextAsImage = True
        End Using
    End Sub
End Module

The image below illustrates the result. PDF content is exported to HTML as an image, so users cannot select or copy document text.

Render PDF content as an image in the output HTML file

Enable multi-layer rendering

When you convert a PDF file to HTML, GroupDocs.Viewer creates an HTML document with a single layer (the z-index is not specified for document elements). This helps increase performance and reduce the output file size. If you convert a PDF document with multiple layers and want to improve the position of document elements in the output HTML file, activate the HtmlViewOptions.PdfOptions.EnableLayeredRendering property to render text and graphics in the HTML file according to their z-order in the source PDF document.

The following code snippet shows how to enable the multi-layer rendering:

using GroupDocs.Viewer;
using GroupDocs.Viewer.Options;
// ...

using (var viewer = new Viewer("sample.pdf"))
    // Create an HTML file for each document page.
    // {0} is replaced with the current page number in the file name.
    var viewOptions = HtmlViewOptions.ForEmbeddedResources("page_{0}.html");
    // Enable the multi-layer rendering.
    viewOptions.PdfOptions.EnableLayeredRendering = true;
Imports GroupDocs.Viewer
Imports GroupDocs.Viewer.Options
' ...

Module Program
    Sub Main(args As String())
        Using viewer = New Viewer("sample.pdf")
            ' Create an HTML file for each document page.
            ' {0} is replaced with the current page number in the file name.
            Dim viewOptions = HtmlViewOptions.ForEmbeddedResources("page_{0}.html")
            ' Enable the multi-layer rendering.
            viewOptions.PdfOptions.EnableLayeredRendering = True
        End Using
    End Sub
End Module

Render PDF files as images

Convert PDF files to PNG

Create a PngViewOptions class instance and pass it to the Viewer.View method to convert a PDF file to PNG. Use the PngViewOptions.Height and PngViewOptions.Width properties to specify the output image size in pixels.

using GroupDocs.Viewer;
using GroupDocs.Viewer.Options;
// ...

using (var viewer = new Viewer("resume.pdf"))
    // Create a PNG image for each PDF page.
    // {0} is replaced with the current page number in the image name.
    var viewOptions = new PngViewOptions("output_{0}.png");
    // Set width and height.
    viewOptions.Width = 800;
    viewOptions.Height = 900;
Imports GroupDocs.Viewer
Imports GroupDocs.Viewer.Options
' ...

Module Program
    Sub Main(args As String())
        Using viewer = New Viewer("resume.pdf")
            ' Create a PNG image for each PDF page.
            ' {0} is replaced with the current page number in the image name.
            Dim viewOptions = New PngViewOptions("output_{0}.png")
            ' Set width and height.
            viewOptions.Width = 800
            viewOptions.Height = 900
        End Using
    End Sub
End Module

The following image demonstrates the result:

Render a PDF file to PNG

Convert PDF files to JPEG

Create a JpgViewOptions class instance and pass it to the Viewer.View method to convert a PDF file to JPEG. Use the JpgViewOptions.Height and JpgViewOptions.Width properties to specify the output image size in pixels.

using GroupDocs.Viewer;
using GroupDocs.Viewer.Options;
// ...

using (var viewer = new Viewer("resume.pdf"))
    // Create a JPEG image for each PDF page.
    // {0} is replaced with the current page number in the image name.
    var viewOptions = new JpgViewOptions("output_{0}.jpg");
    // Set width and height.
    viewOptions.Width = 800;
    viewOptions.Height = 900;
Imports GroupDocs.Viewer
Imports GroupDocs.Viewer.Options
' ...

Module Program
    Sub Main(args As String())
        Using viewer = New Viewer("resume.pdf")
            ' Create a JPEG image for each PDF page.
            ' {0} is replaced with the current page number in the image name.
            Dim viewOptions = New JpgViewOptions("output_{0}.jpg")
            ' Set width and height.
            viewOptions.Width = 800
            viewOptions.Height = 900
        End Using
    End Sub
End Module

Preserve the size of document pages

When you render PDF documents as images, GroupDocs.Viewer calculates the optimal image size to achieve better rendering quality. If you want the generated images to be the same size as pages in the source PDF document, enable the PdfOptions.RenderOriginalPageSize property for the PngViewOptions or JpgViewOptions class (depending on the output image format).

using GroupDocs.Viewer;
using GroupDocs.Viewer.Options;
// ...

using (var viewer = new Viewer("resume.pdf"))
    // Create a PNG image for each PDF page.
    // {0} is replaced with the current page number in the image name.
    var viewOptions = new PngViewOptions("output_{0}.png");
    // Preserve the size of document pages.
    viewOptions.PdfOptions.RenderOriginalPageSize = true;
Imports GroupDocs.Viewer
Imports GroupDocs.Viewer.Options
' ...

Module Program
    Sub Main(args As String())
        Using viewer = New Viewer("resume.pdf")
            ' Create a PNG image for each PDF page.
            ' {0} is replaced with the current page number in the image name.
            Dim viewOptions = New PngViewOptions("output_{0}.png")
            ' Preserve the size of document pages.
            viewOptions.PdfOptions.RenderOriginalPageSize = True
        End Using
    End Sub
End Module

Enable font hinting

To adjust the display of outline fonts when you convert PDF documents to PNG or JPEG, activate the PdfOptions.EnableFontHinting option, as shown below:

using GroupDocs.Viewer;
using GroupDocs.Viewer.Options;
// ...

using (var viewer = new Viewer("resume.pdf"))
    // Create a PNG image for each PDF page.
    // {0} is replaced with the current page number in the image name.
    var viewOptions = new PngViewOptions("output_{0}.png");
    //Enable font hinting
    viewOptions.PdfOptions.EnableFontHinting = true;
Imports GroupDocs.Viewer
Imports GroupDocs.Viewer.Options
' ...

Module Program
    Sub Main(args As String())
        Using viewer = New Viewer("resume.pdf")
            ' Create a PNG image for each PDF page.
            ' {0} is replaced with the current page number in the image name.
            Dim viewOptions = New PngViewOptions("output_{0}.png")
            'Enable font hinting
            viewOptions.PdfOptions.EnableFontHinting = True
        End Using
    End Sub
End Module

Refer to the following article for more information on font hinting: Font hinting.

Disable character grouping

When you render PDF files in other formats, GroupDocs.Viewer groups individual characters into words to improve rendering performance. If your document contains hieroglyphic or special symbols, you may need to disable character grouping to generate a more precise layout. To do this, use the PdfOptions.DisableCharsGrouping option, as shown below:

using GroupDocs.Viewer;
using GroupDocs.Viewer.Options;
// ...

using (var viewer = new Viewer("sample.pdf"))
    // Create an HTML file for each document page.
    // {0} is replaced with the current page number in the file name.
    var viewOptions = HtmlViewOptions.ForEmbeddedResources("page_{0}.html");
    // Disable character grouping
    viewOptions.PdfOptions.DisableCharsGrouping = true;
Imports GroupDocs.Viewer
Imports GroupDocs.Viewer.Options
' ...

Module Program
    Sub Main(args As String())
        Using viewer = New Viewer("sample.pdf")
            ' Create an HTML file for each document page.
            ' {0} is replaced with the current page number in the file name.
            Dim viewOptions = HtmlViewOptions.ForEmbeddedResources("page_{0}.html")
            ' Disable character grouping
            viewOptions.PdfOptions.DisableCharsGrouping = True
        End Using
    End Sub
End Module

Render text comments

Enable the ViewOptions.RenderComments option for a target view to display textual annotations (such as text comments, sticky notes, text boxes and callouts) in the output HTML, PNG, or JPEG files.

The code example below renders a PDF file with text comments as an image.

using GroupDocs.Viewer;
using GroupDocs.Viewer.Options;
// ...

using (var viewer = new Viewer("resume_commented.pdf"))
    // Create a PNG image for each PDF page.
    // {0} is replaced with the current page number in the image name.
    var viewOptions = new PngViewOptions("output_{0}.png");
    // Enable comments rendering.
    viewOptions.RenderComments = true;
Imports GroupDocs.Viewer
Imports GroupDocs.Viewer.Options
' ...

Module Program
    Sub Main(args As String())
        Using viewer = New Viewer("resume_commented.pdf")
            ' Create a PNG image for each PDF page.
            ' {0} is replaced with the current page number in the image name.
            Dim viewOptions = New PngViewOptions("output_{0}.png")
            ' Enable comments rendering.
            viewOptions.RenderComments = True
        End Using
    End Sub
End Module

The following image illustrates the result:

Render PDF comments to PNG

Get information about a PDF file

Follow the steps below to obtain information about a PDF file (the number of pages, page size, and printing permissions):

  1. Create a ViewInfoOptions instance for a specific view.
  2. Call the Viewer.GetViewInfo method, pass the ViewInfoOptions instance to this method as a parameter, and cast the returned object to the PdfViewInfo type.
  3. Use the PdfViewInfo class properties to retrieve document-specific information.
using GroupDocs.Viewer;
using GroupDocs.Viewer.Options;
using GroupDocs.Viewer.Results;
// ...

using (var viewer = new Viewer("resume.pdf"))
    var viewInfoOptions = ViewInfoOptions.ForHtmlView();
    var viewInfo = viewer.GetViewInfo(viewInfoOptions) as PdfViewInfo;

    // Display information about the PDF document.
    Console.WriteLine($"File type: {viewInfo.FileType}");
    Console.WriteLine($"The number of pages: {viewInfo.Pages.Count}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Is printing allowed: {viewInfo.PrintingAllowed}");
    // Display information about all document pages.
    Console.WriteLine("Page information:");
    foreach (Page page in viewInfo.Pages)
        // The Page.ToString method is overriden to display the following page information: 
        // "Page {Number} ({visibility}) {Width}x{Height}px with {Lines.Count} line(s)."
Imports GroupDocs.Viewer
Imports GroupDocs.Viewer.Options
Imports GroupDocs.Viewer.Results
' ...

Module Program
    Sub Main(args As String())
        Using viewer = New Viewer("resume.pdf")
            Dim viewInfoOptions = ViewInfoOptions.ForHtmlView()
            Dim viewInfo = TryCast(viewer.GetViewInfo(viewInfoOptions), PdfViewInfo)
            ' Display information about the PDF document.
            Console.WriteLine($"File type: {viewInfo.FileType}")
            Console.WriteLine($"The number of pages: {viewInfo.Pages.Count}")
            Console.WriteLine($"Is printing allowed: {viewInfo.PrintingAllowed}")
            ' Display information about all document pages.
            Console.WriteLine("Page information:")
            For Each page As Page In viewInfo.Pages
                ' The Page.ToString method is overriden to display the following page information: 
                ' "Page {Number} ({visibility}) {Width}x{Height}px with {Lines.Count} line(s)."
        End Using
    End Sub
End Module

The following image shows a sample console output:

Get information about a PDF file

Extract text from a PDF file

Set the ViewInfoOptions.ExtractText property to true to enable PDF text extraction. Use the PdfViewInfo.Pages property to obtain the list of all document pages, and iterate through the collection of lines on each page (Page.Lines) to retrieve text for each line.

using GroupDocs.Viewer;
using GroupDocs.Viewer.Options;
using GroupDocs.Viewer.Results;
// ...

using (var viewer = new Viewer("resume.pdf"))
    var viewInfoOptions = ViewInfoOptions.ForHtmlView();
    viewInfoOptions.ExtractText = true;
    var viewInfo = viewer.GetViewInfo(viewInfoOptions) as PdfViewInfo;
    // Retrieve text from the PDF file.
    Console.WriteLine("Extracted document text:");
    foreach (Page page in viewInfo.Pages)
        foreach (Line line in page.Lines)
Imports GroupDocs.Viewer
Imports GroupDocs.Viewer.Options
Imports GroupDocs.Viewer.Results
' ...

Module Program
    Sub Main(args As String())
        Using viewer = New Viewer("resume.pdf")
            Dim viewInfoOptions = ViewInfoOptions.ForHtmlView()
            viewInfoOptions.ExtractText = True
            Dim viewInfo = TryCast(viewer.GetViewInfo(viewInfoOptions), PdfViewInfo)
            ' Retrieve text from the PDF file.
            Console.WriteLine("Extracted document text:")
            For Each page As Page In viewInfo.Pages
                For Each line As Line In page.Lines
        End Using
    End Sub
End Module

Extract and display PDF text

Skip font license verification when rendering XPS and OXPS files

If an XPS or OXPS file contains a font that cannot be embedded due to licensing restrictions, GroupDocs.Viewer throws an exception at runtime. If you have a license for this font, enable the PdfOptions.DisableFontLicenseVerifications option to skip font license verification.

using GroupDocs.Viewer;
using GroupDocs.Viewer.Options;
// ...

using (Viewer viewer = new Viewer("resume.oxps"))
    HtmlViewOptions viewOptions = HtmlViewOptions.ForEmbeddedResources();
    viewOptions.PdfOptions.DisableFontLicenseVerifications = true;
Imports GroupDocs.Viewer
Imports GroupDocs.Viewer.Options
' ...

Module Program
    Sub Main(args As String())
        Using viewer As Viewer = New Viewer("resume.oxps")
            Dim viewOptions As HtmlViewOptions = HtmlViewOptions.ForEmbeddedResources()
            viewOptions.PdfOptions.DisableFontLicenseVerifications = True
        End Using
    End Sub
End Module

Enclose images in SVG when rendering PDF and Page Layout files

By default, when rendering to the PDF and Page Layout file formats, all images are combined into a single PNG file, which serves as the background for the output HTML document.

The PdfOptions.WrapImagesInSvg option allows you to wrap each image in the output HTML document with an SVG tag to improve output quality.

This option is available when rendering PDF and Page Layout file formats to HTML with embedded or external resources.

using GroupDocs.Viewer;
using GroupDocs.Viewer.Options;
// ...

using (Viewer viewer = new Viewer("resume.pdf"))
    HtmlViewOptions viewOptions = HtmlViewOptions.ForEmbeddedResources();
    viewOptions.PdfOptions.WrapImagesInSvg = true;

Imports GroupDocs.Viewer
Imports GroupDocs.Viewer.Options
' ...

Module Program
    Sub Main(args As String())
        Using viewer As Viewer = New Viewer("resume.pdf")
            Dim viewOptions As HtmlViewOptions = HtmlViewOptions.ForEmbeddedResources()
            viewOptions.PdfOptions.WrapImagesInSvg = True
        End Using
    End Sub
End Module

The following image shows the rendering resume.pdf with the disabled (left) and enabled (right) WrapImagesInSvg option:

Images as background vs embedded in SVG

Disable copy protection

When rendering PDF files with protection against copying text and images to HTML, GroupDocs.Viewer adds an inert HTML attribute to the HTML <body> tag.

Use PdfOptions.DisableCopyProtection to turn off copy protection. When DisableCopyProtection is set to true, the inert HTML attribute won’t be added to the HTML <body> tag in any case.

This option was added in GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET 24.4. Previous versions of GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET ignores PDF copy protection and does not add inert HTML attribute to HTML <body> tag.

This option is supported when rendering PDF files to HTML with embedded or external resources.

using GroupDocs.Viewer;
using GroupDocs.Viewer.Options;
// ...

using (Viewer viewer = new Viewer("protected-resume.pdf"))
    HtmlViewOptions viewOptions = HtmlViewOptions.ForEmbeddedResources();
    viewOptions.PdfOptions.DisableCopyProtection = true;

Imports GroupDocs.Viewer
Imports GroupDocs.Viewer.Options
' ...

Module Program
    Sub Main(args As String())
        Using viewer As Viewer = New Viewer("protected-resume.pdf")
            Dim viewOptions As HtmlViewOptions = HtmlViewOptions.ForEmbeddedResources()
            viewOptions.PdfOptions.DisableCopyProtection = True
        End Using
    End Sub
End Module

The following image shows the rendering of protected-resume.pdf with copy protection on the left and with with DisableCopyProtection option set to true on the right:

Render with or without copy protection

Repairing corrupted PDF documents

By default GroupDocs.Viewer cannot process the PDF documents with corrupted structure or content — it throws an exception when trying to open such files. However, starting from the version 24.5 GroupDocs.Viewer can try to repair the structural corruptions in PDF documents. By default this feature is disabled. To enable it, need to use the newly added TryRepair boolean property of the LoadOptions class by setting its value to true.

When enabled, this feature addresses the following issues in a PDF document:

  • Broken references within the document (incorrect object offsets in the Cross-reference list).
  • Missing critical elements like root object, page object, or page content.
  • Circular references (Form X-object referencing itself).

Here is a source code sample:

using GroupDocs.Viewer;
using GroupDocs.Viewer.Options;
// ...

LoadOptions loadOptions = new LoadOptions();
loadOptions.TryRepair = true;

PngViewOptions viewOptions = new PngViewOptions();

using (Viewer viewer = new Viewer("resume.pdf", loadOptions))
Imports GroupDocs.Viewer
Imports GroupDocs.Viewer.Options
' ...

Module Program
    Sub Main(args As String())
        Dim loadOptions As New LoadOptions()
        loadOptions.TryRepair = True

        Dim viewOptions As New PngViewOptions()

        Using viewer As New Viewer("resume.pdf", loadOptions)
        End Using
    End Sub
End Module

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