Load password-protected documents

The encryption protects data and allows only authorized people to open the file. When a file is encrypted, the password must be specified to open the file. To learn how to identify the encrypted file, please refer to the Check if a file is encrypted page.

To load and render an encrypted document, follow these steps:

  1. Instantiate the HtmlViewOptions (or PngViewOptions, or JpgViewOptions, or PdfViewOptions) object.
  2. Set a password using the LoadOptions.setPassword() method.
    If the password is not specified, GroupDocs.Viewer throws PasswordRequiredException. If the incorrect password is specified, GroupDocs.Viewer throws IncorrectPasswordException.
  3. Call the View.view() method.

The following code snippet shows how to load and render an encrypted document:

import com.groupdocs.viewer.Viewer;
import com.groupdocs.viewer.options.HtmlViewOptions;
import com.groupdocs.viewer.options.LoadOptions;
// ...

LoadOptions loadOptions = new LoadOptions();
// Specify a password.

// Render the file.
try (Viewer viewer = new Viewer("sample.docx", loadOptions)) {
    HtmlViewOptions viewOptions = HtmlViewOptions.forEmbeddedResources();

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