Install GroupDocs.Viewer for Java

Starting from GroupDocs.Viewer for Java 24.4, the JAR package is signed using a GPG signature. You can find the public key in the GPG-KEYS.txt file. Learn more about verifying signatures in the Making and verifying signatures article.

Install using Maven

All GroupDocs packages are hosted at GroupDocs Artifact Repository. You can download packages or reference GroupDocs.Viewer for Java API directly in your Maven project using following steps.

Download a sample Maven application that demonstrates using GroupDocs.Viewer for Java. You can run the application locally with mvn exec:java command.

Add GroupDocs Artifact Repository

Add GroupDocs Artifact Repository to your pom.xml file:

        <id>GroupDocs Artifact Repository</id>
        <name>GroupDocs Artifact Repository</name>

Add GroupDocs.Viewer as a dependency

Define GroupDocs.Viewer for Java API dependency in your pom.xml:


Reference in Java application

To get started, download the latest version of GroupDocs.Viewer for Java (JAR file) from GroupDocs Artifact Repository. Also, make sure you have Java installed.

Create application

You can download the sample application and proceed to building it.
import com.groupdocs.viewer.Viewer;
import com.groupdocs.viewer.options.*;

public class App {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        Viewer viewer = new Viewer("formatting.docx");

formatting.docx is sample DOCX file that we’re going to use in this example. Click here to download it.

groupdocs-viewer.jar is GroupDocs.Viewer for Java JAR file e.g., groupdocs-viewer-24.4.jar.

Your folder tree should look similar to the following directory structure:

📂 java-app

Build application

To build Java application run the command below. This comand compiles the application and creates App.class file in the current directory.

javac -d . -cp ".;./groupdocs-viewer.jar"
javac -d . -cp ".:./groupdocs-viewer.jar"

Run application

To run the application type the command below. As a result two HTML documents will be created in the current directory for the first two pages of the document.

java -cp ".;./groupdocs-viewer.jar" App
java -Djava.awt.headless=true -cp ".:./groupdocs-viewer.jar" App

Please note that -Djava.awt.headless=true required when your Java installation does not inlude GUI libraries.


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