GroupDocs.Signature provides an easy and straightforward way to find all Barcode signatures that are present in a document. For the simpler use case - just find all Barcode signatures within document its only needed to instantiate BarcodeSearchOptions class and pass it to Search method.
Here are the exact steps to search for Barcode signatures within the document with GroupDocs.Signature:
Create a new instance of the Signature class and pass the source document path as a constructor parameter.
Instantiate the BarcodeSearchOptions object according to your requirements and specify search options.
This example shows how to search for Barcode signature in the document.
// The path to the documents directory.
constfilePath=Constants.SAMPLE_SIGNED_MULTI;constsignature=newsignatureLib.Signature(filePath);constoptions=newsignatureLib.BarcodeSearchOptions();options.setAllPages(true);// this value is set by default
// Search for signatures in the document,options).toArray();console.log('\nSource document contains the following signatures.');for(constbarcodeSignatureofsignatures){console.log(`Barcode signature found at page ${barcodeSignature.getPageNumber()} with type ${barcodeSignature.getEncodeType()} and text ${barcodeSignature.getText()}`);}
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GitHub Examples
You may easily run the code above and see the feature in action in our GitHub examples: