Sign document with MaxiCode barcode Symbology

GroupDocs.SignatureΒ providesΒ MaxiCodeMode2Β classΒ to create MaxiCode barcode, designed for tracking and managing the shipment of packages

Here are the steps how to add MaxiCode barcode signature into document with .Net GroupDocs.Signature:

  • Create new instance ofΒ SignatureΒ class and pass source document path as a constructor parameter.
  • Instantiate theΒ Β MaxiCodeMode2. Fill properties
  • Instantiate theΒ Β QrCodeSignOptionsΒ object with all required additional options and set HIBCLICCombinedData object into Data property.
  • CallΒ SignΒ method ofΒ SignatureΒ class instance and passΒ QrCodeSignOptionsΒ to it.
  • AnalyzeΒ SignResultΒ result to check newly created signatures if needed.

This example shows how to add HIBCPASData signature to document using c#:

using (Signature signature = new Signature(filePath))
    var data = new MaxiCodeMode2()
        PostalCode = "524032140",
        CountryCode = 056,
        ServiceCategory = 999,
        SecondMessage = new MaxiCodeSecondMessage()
            Message = "Test message"

    // create options
    QrCodeSignOptions options = new QrCodeSignOptions
        EncodeType = QrCodeTypes.QR,
        Left = 100,
        Top = 100,        
        Data = data

    // sign document to file
    var signResult = signature.Sign(outputFilePath, options);
    // analyzing result
    Console.WriteLine("List of newly created signatures:");
    int number = 1;
    foreach (BaseSignature temp in signResult.Succeeded)
        Console.WriteLine($"Signature #{number++}: Type: {temp.SignatureType} Id:{temp.SignatureId}, Location: {temp.Left}x{temp.Top}. Size: {temp.Width}x{temp.Height}");
Β }

This example shows how to decode MaxiCodeMode2 signature from the document using c#:

using (Signature.Signature signature = new Signature.Signature(outputFilePath))
    List<QrCodeSignature> signatures = signature.Search<QrCodeSignature>(SignatureType.QrCode);
    QrCodeSignature qrCode = signatures.FirstOrDefault();
    var data = qrCode.GetData<MaxiCodeMode2>();

More resources

GitHub Examples

You may easily run the code above and see the feature in action in ourΒ GitHub examples:

Free Online Apps

Along with the full-featured .NET library, we provide simple but powerful free online apps.

To generate barcodes and/or sign your files with barcodes for free, you can use the Barcode Generator online app.

To sign PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and other documents you can use the other online apps from the GroupDocs.Signature App Product Family.


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