.NET Standard 2.0 API Limitations

Limitations of .NET Standard 2.0 compared to .NET API


  1. Because of the lack of Windows fonts in target OS (Android, macOS, Linux, etc), fonts used in documents are substituted with available fonts, this might lead to inaccurate document layout when rendering the document to PNG, JPG, and PDF.
  2. If GroupDocs.Signature for .NET Standard is intended to be used in a Linux environment, an additional NuGet package should be referenced to make it work correctly with graphics:ย SkiaSharp.NativeAssets.Linuxย for Ubuntu (it also should work on most Debian-based Linux distributions) orย Goelze.SkiaSharp.NativeAssets.AlpineLinuxย for Alpine Linux.


When using GroupDocs.Signature in a non-Windows environment in order to improve rendering results we do recommend installing the following packages:

  1. libgdiplus - is the Mono library that provides a GDI+-compatible API on non-Windows operating systems.
  2. libc6-dev - packageย contains the symlinks, headers, and object files needed to compile and link programs which use the standard C library.
  3. ttf-mscorefonts-installer - package with Microsoft compatible fonts.

To install packages onย Debian-based Linux distributions useย apt-get utility:

  1. sudoย apt-getย installย libgdiplus
  2. sudoย apt-getย installย libc6-dev
  3. sudoย apt-getย install ttf-mscorefonts-installer

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