GroupDocs.Signature for .NET 22.11 Release Notes

Major Features

The main features of this release are enhancements with supporting certificate PFX type files as a source document and providing Logging across the product with different logging level. The PFX files support as document allows to retrive list of the certificate properties as metadata signatures from the Document Info method. The new ILogger interface is used as optional argument for settings to log various level of process events like errors, warnings and informations messages. In this releae we implemented logging of the errors and warnings mostly. Below the list of most notable changes in release of GroupDocs.Signature for .NET 21.11:

  • Implement support to load PFX Certificate files as document to retrieve information
  • Implement ability to provide optional logging to track various level of process events like errors, warnings, information etc
  • Extended DocumentInfo method to support certificate file PFX type.
  • Provide sample Console and File loggers as quick and easy solution to track the product events.
  • Fixed issue with processing Word Processing document with specific digital certificates.
  • The referenced libraries were updated to the latest versions.

Added support to load PFX Certificate file as document to retrive information

The following example demonstrates how to obtain certificate properties as part of GetDocumentInfo method with the new CertificateMetadataSignature class.

public static void Run()
    // create the Signature instance with the load options to set the password
    var loadOptions = new LoadOptions()
        Password = "1234567890"
    using (Signature signature = new Signature("certificate.pfx", loadOptions))
        IDocumentInfo documentInfo = signature.GetDocumentInfo();
        Console.WriteLine($"Document properties {Path.GetFileName(filePath)}:");
        Console.WriteLine($" - format : {documentInfo.FileType.FileFormat}");
        Console.WriteLine($" - extension : {documentInfo.FileType.Extension}");        
        // display certificate properties as Certificate Metadata signatures information
        Console.WriteLine($"Certificate properties : {documentInfo.MetadataSignatures.Count}");
        foreach (CertificateMetadataSignature metadataSignature in documentInfo.MetadataSignatures)
            Console.WriteLine($" - #{metadataSignature.Name} = {metadataSignature.Value}");

Implemented ability to provide standard or custom ILogger interface to log different product events

New interface ILogger was created to provide ability to log the product events. The instance of this interface can be passed to the new property of the SignatureSetting the field Logger

The following example demonstrates how to pass standard FileLogger class that implements ILogger interface.

public static void Run()
    var logger = new FileLogger("signature-log.txt");
    var settings = new SignatureSettings(logger);
    var loadOptions = new LoadOptions()
        Password = "1" // Wrong password
    using (Signature signature = new Signature("source.pdf", loadOptions, settings))
        QrCodeSignOptions options = new QrCodeSignOptions("JohnSmith")
            EncodeType = QrCodeTypes.QR,
            Left = 100,
            Top = 100
            // sign document to file
            signature.Sign("output.pdf", options);
        catch // catch the Exception
            // Error will be already in the log file

Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release

KeySummaryIssue Type
SIGNATURENET-4104Search signature returns null in SignatureId field for pptx fileBug
SIGNATURENET-3961Exception Digital certificate has wrong format. Description: Cannot find the requested objectFeature
SIGNATURENET-4083Implement ILogger interface for optional loggingFeature
SIGNATURENET-4023Respect PFX certificate document type to receive Document InfoFeature
SIGNATURENET-4137Implement CertificateMetadataSignature to respect Certificate DocumentsEnhancement
SIGNATURENET-4091Implement ConsoleLogger as example of interface usingEnhancement
SIGNATURENET-4090Implement FileLogger as example of interface usingEnhancement

Public Developer Guide examples changes

The following topics from the Developer Guide were changed

eSign PDF with QR Code entries

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

Public static variable PFX was added to the list of supported types as field of the FileType

public static void Run()
    var supportedFileTypes = FileType
                .OrderBy(f => f.Extension);
    foreach (FileType fileType in supportedFileTypes)
        Console.WriteLine($"{fileType.FileFormat}. Extension: {fileType.Extension});

Public enumeration DocumentType was updated with the new document type Certificate

public static void Run()
    public enum DocumentType
        . . . .
        /// <summary>Certificate file Type.</summary>