Sign document with ordering the signatures

com.groupdocs.signature provides with SignOptions property ZOrder that expects integer values as Z-order position. The signatures with a higher number of this property will be displayed above the others.

Here are the steps to manually adjust the ordering of signatures on the document page with com.groupdocs.signature:

  • Create a new instance of Signature class and pass the source document path as a constructor parameter.
  • Instantiate the SignOptions object with the required options and set the ZOrder property.
  • Call sign method of  Signature class instance and pass SignOptions to it.

Sign document with Text signature

This example shows how to add Text signature to document.

using (Signature signature = new Signature("sample.pdf"))
    TextSignOptions options = new TextSignOptions("John Smith")
        // set signature position
        Left = 100,
        Top = 100,
        // set signature rectangle
        Width = 100,
        Height = 30,
        // set signature alignment
        // when VerticalAlignment is set the Top coordinate will be ignored.
        // Use Margin properties Top, Bottom to provide vertical offset
        VerticalAlignment = Domain.VerticalAlignment.Top,
        // when HorizontalAlignment is set the Left coordinate will be ignored.
        // Use Margin properties Left, Right to provide horizontal offset
        HorizontalAlignment = Domain.HorizontalAlignment.Right,
        Margin = new Padding() { Top = 20, Right = 20 },
        // adjust signature appearance
        // setup signature border
        Border = new Border()
            Color = Color.DarkGreen,
            DashStyle = DashStyle.DashLongDashDot,
            Transparency = 0.5,
            Visible = true,
            Weight = 2
        // set text color and Font
        ForeColor = Color.Red,
        Font = new SignatureFont { Size = 12, FamilyName = "Comic Sans MS" },
        // setup background
        Background = new Background()
            Color = Color.LimeGreen,
            Transparency = 0.5,
            Brush = new LinearGradientBrush(Color.LimeGreen, Color.DarkGreen)
        // set rotation
        RotationAngle = 45,
        // set alternative signature implementation on document page
        SignatureImplementation = TextSignatureImplementation.Image

    // set up shadow options for text
    TextShadow shadow = new TextShadow();
    shadow.Color = Color.OrangeRed;
    shadow.Angle = 135;
    shadow.Blur = 5;
    shadow.Distance = 4;
    shadow.Transparency = 0.2;
    //add text shadow to signature extensions

    // specify Spreadsheet position over extension
     options.Extensions.Add(new SpreadsheetPosition(10, 10));
    // sign document to file
    signature.Sign("signed.pdf", options);

More resources

GitHub Examples

You may easily run the code above and see the feature in action in our GitHub examples:

Free Online App

Along with full-featured .NET library we provide simple, but powerful free Apps.

You are welcome to eSign PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint documents with free to use online GroupDocs Signature App.


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