GroupDocs.Signature for Java 22.2 Release Notes

Major Features

This release contains new features with Pdf and Spreadsheet documents processing, new method with Image signatures and enhancements with customizing Digital Signature appearance. Also this update contains few fixed issues with document processing. Below the list of most notable changes in release of GroupDocs.Signature for Java 22.2:

  • Involved new settings for Pdf Digital Signature Appearance.
  • Implemented a way to compose Image siganture from base64 string content.
  • New export types were added for Spreadsheet documents.
  • Few issues were fixed.

Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release

KeySummaryIssue Type
SIGNATURENET-3730Implement Foreground color for Pdf Digital Signature AppearanceFeature
SIGNATURENET-3703Implement easy way to pass image as base64 string to ImageSignOptionFeature
SIGNATURENET-3735Implement ImageSignOptions as IDisposable interface classImprovement
SIGNATURENET-3734Implement new Spreadsheet document export format typesImprovement
SIGNATURENET-3733The exception is thrown when rendering Spreadsheet .ods fileBug
SIGNATURENET-3732The exception is thrown for Digital Signature verification and searching for Linux OSBug
SIGNATURENET-3731Pdf Document could not be successfully certified for trial versionsBug
SIGNATURENET-3701The signed Pdf file is corrupted and can not be opened in Acrobat Reader (.Net Core 3.x)Bug

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

Public class PdfDigitalSignatureAppearance was updated with new property that allows to specify foreground color of Digital Signature appearance on Pdf document page

Public class PdfDigitalSignatureAppearance was updated with propery

  • property Color [Foreground] that allows to specify foreground text color of signature labels.

New properties of PdfDigitalSignatureAppearance class

    public class PdfDigitalSignatureAppearance
		 * <p>
		 * Get or set foreground text color of signature appearance.
		 * By default the value is Color.FromArgb(76, 100, 255)
		 * </p>
		public final java.awt.Color getForeground()
		public final void setForeground(java.awt.Color value)

Public enum SpreadsheetSaveFileFormat was updated with new supported save format types like Emf, Jpg and Png

Newly added format types SpreadsheetSaveFileFormat.Emf, SpreadsheetSaveFileFormat.Jpg and SpreadsheetSaveFileFormat.Png allow to save signed document to rquired format.

New enumeration values

    public enum SpreadsheetSaveFileFormat
		 * <p>Saves the document in Windows Enhanced Metafile format.</p>
		public static final int Emf = 31;

		 * <p>Saves the document in Jpeg format.</p>
		public static final int Jpg = 33;

		 * <p>Saves the document in Portable Network Graphics format.</p>
		public static final int Png = 34;

Public class ImageSignOption was extended with static method to create ImageSignOptions instance from base64 image string content

The ImageSignOptions class implements IDisposable interface and contains static method fromBase64(String base64Content) to create ImageSignOptions from base64 string

Public class ImageSignOption

    public class ImageSignOptions : SignOptions, IRectangle, IAlignment, IRotation, ITransparency
		 * <p>
		 * Creates a new instance of the ImageSignOptions class with predefined Image from Base64.
		 * </p>
		 * @return
		 * @param base64Content Image content in Base64 string format
		public static ImageSignOptions fromBase64(String base64Content)

Following example demonstrates how to create ImageSignOptions from base64 string.

Create Image signature from base64 string

public static void run()
	Signature signature = new Signature("sample.pdf");
		ImageSignOptions options = ImageSignOptions.fromBase64(imageBase64);		
		options.Left = 100;
		options.Top = 100;
		SignResult result = signature.sign("sample_out.pdf", options);