eSign document with Barcode signature

What is a Barcode?

barcode or bar code is a way of presenting data in a visual, machine-readable form. Generally speaking, barcode is an image of rectangular form that consists of parallel black lines and white spaces of different widths.
Barcodes are used in various areas where quick identification is necessary - as part of the purchase process in retail stores, in warehouses to track inventory, and on invoices to assist in accounting, among many other uses.

Barcodes allow to store product related data like manufacturing and expiry dates, manufacturer name, country of the origin and product price. There are plenty of barcode types nowadays because different companies use different amount of number and bar combinations in their barcodes dependent on their needs. From document signature perspective Barcode may contain different characters (letters, digits or symbols) and have a various length and its size depending on the type and settings to keep signature information, title, subject or short encrypted data.

eSign document with Barcode signature

GroupDocs.Signature for Java supports wide range or Barcode types that can be used to create electronic signature within the documents. Please refer to BarcodeTypes description to get the full list of supported barcodes.
To specify different options for Barcode signature GroupDocs.Signature for Java provides BarcodeSignOptions class. The main fields are:

  • getEncodeType - specifies Barcode type (AustralianPost, Codabar, EAN13, OPC, etc.);
  • getText - specifies Barcode text. 

Here are the steps to eSign document with Barcode signature using GroupDocs.Signature for .NET API:

This example shows how to sign PDF document with Barcode signature.

Signature signature = new Signature("sample.pdf");
    // setup options with text of signature
    BarcodeSignOptions signOptions = new BarcodeSignOptions("12345678");
    // setup Barcode encoding type
    // set signature position
    // sign document   
    signature.sign("SampleSigned.pdf", signOptions);    
}catch (Exception e){
    throw new GroupDocsSignatureException(e.getMessage());

More resources

Advanced Usage Topics

To learn more about document eSign features, please refer to the advanced usage section.

GitHub Examples 

You may easily run the code above and see the feature in action in our GitHub examples:

Free Online App 

Along with full-featured .NET library we provide simple, but powerful free Apps.
You are welcome to eSign PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint documents with free to use online GroupDocs Signature App.


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