Search by chunks

The GroupDocs.Search API provides the ability to perform search by chunks. This means that in one call to the search method of the Index class, only in one index segment search is performed. This feature becomes relevant when searching in large indexes containing tens and hundreds of thousands of documents.

When performing search by chunks, the search method is first called with the chunk search flag set to true via setChunkSearch method of the SearchOptions class. And then the search in each subsequent segment is performed using the searchNext method with passing ChunkSearchToken of the next chunk as an argument.

The following example demonstrates the search by chunks.

const indexFolder = 'c:/MyIndex/';
const documentsFolder1 = 'c:/MyDocuments1/';
const documentsFolder2 = 'c:/MyDocuments2/';
const documentsFolder3 = 'c:/MyDocuments3/';
const query = 'invitation';

// Creating an index in the specified folder
const index = new;

// Indexing documents from the specified folder

// Creating a search options instance
const options = new;
options.setChunkSearch(true); // Enabling the search by chunks

// Starting the search by chunks
let result =, options);
console.log('Document count: ' + result.getDocumentCount());
console.log('Occurrence count: ' + result.getOccurrenceCount());

// Continuing the search by chunks
while (result.getNextChunkSearchToken() != null) {
  result = index.searchNext(result.getNextChunkSearchToken());
  console.log('Document count: ' + result.getDocumentCount());
  console.log('Occurrence count: ' + result.getOccurrenceCount());

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GitHub examples

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