OCR support

OCR support means the ability to connect an external module (library) for the recognition of printed text (optical character recognition, OCR) on images, either separate or embedded in documents.

To connect OCR, you need to implement the IOcrConnector interface in the client code.

The following example demonstrates how to implement the OCR connector using com.aspose.ocr library for text recognition in images.

const indexFolder = 'c:/MyIndex/';
const documentsFolder = 'c:/MyDocuments/';
const query = 'Einstein';

// Creating an index
const index = new groupdocs.search.Index(indexFolder, true);

// Subscribing to the ErrorOccurred event
  java.newProxy('com.groupdocs.search.events.EventHandler', {
    invoke: function (sender, args) {

// Setting the OCR indexing options
const options = new groupdocs.search.IndexingOptions();
const ocrConnector = java.newProxy('com.groupdocs.search.options.IOcrConnector', {
  recognize: function (context) {
    switch (String(context.getImageLocation())) {
      case 'Separate':
      case 'Embedded':
      case 'ContainerItem':
        const image = java.callStaticMethodSync('javax.imageio.ImageIO', 'read', context.getImageStream());
        const asposeOcr = new groupdocs.search.AsposeOcr();
        const result = asposeOcr.RecognizePage(image);
        return result;
        throw new Error('The image type is not supported: ' + context.getImageLocation());

// Indexing documents in a document folder
index.add(documentsFolder, options);

// Searching in the index
const result = index.search(query);

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