Delete indexed paths

GroupDocs.Search supports the ability to remove indexed files and folders from an index. Only files or folders that were explicitly added to the index can be deleted. It is not possible to remove a file or folder from the index that is a child of the indexed folder. To delete files and folders inside indexed paths, use the document filter (see Document filtering during indexing). To get a list of indexed paths, use the getIndexedPaths method of the Index class.

The following example shows how to remove indexed paths from an index.

const indexFolder = 'c:/MyIndex/';
const documentsFolder1 = 'c:/MyDocuments/';
const documentsFolder2 = 'c:/MyDocuments2/';

// Creating an index in the specified folder
const index = new;

// Indexing documents from the specified folders

// Getting indexed paths from the index
const indexedPaths1 = index.getIndexedPaths();

// Writing indexed paths to the console
console.log('Indexed paths:');
for (let i = 0; i < indexedPaths1.length; i++) {
  const indexedPath = indexedPaths1[i];
  console.log('\t' + indexedPath);

// Deleting index path from the index
const deleteResult = index.delete([documentsFolder1], new;

// Getting indexed paths after deletion
const indexedPaths2 = index.getIndexedPaths();
console.log('\nDeleted paths: ' + deleteResult.getSuccessCount());

console.log('\nIndexed paths:');
for (let i = 0; i < indexedPaths2.length; i++) {
  const indexedPath = indexedPaths2[i];
  console.log('\t' + indexedPath);

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