Character replacement during indexing

Character replacement during indexing can be used, for example, to convert all text to lowercase characters or to remove diacritics from text. Such replacements can reduce the size of an index on disk if the case of characters or diacritics are not significant. See also Character replacements page in the Managing dictionaries section.

The example below demonstrates how to configure and use character replacements during indexing.

const indexFolder = 'c:/MyIndex/';
const documentFolder = 'c:/MyDocuments/';

// Enabling character replacements in the index settings
const settings = new;

// Creating an index in the specified folder
const index = new, settings);

// Configuring character replacements
// Deleting all existing character replacements from the dictionary
// Creating new character replacements
const count = 65536;
const array = new Array(count);
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
  const text = String.fromCharCode(i);
  const character = java.newChar(text);
  const replacement = java.newChar(text.toLowerCase()[0]);
  array[i] = new, replacement);
const characterReplacements = java.newArray('', array);
// Adding character replacements to the dictionary

// Indexing documents from the specified folder

// Searching in the index
// Case-sensitive search is no longer possible for this index, since all characters are lowercase
// By default, case-insensitive search is performed
const query = 'Einstein';
const options = new;
const result =, options);

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