Synonym search

Synonym search allows you to find not only the words specified in the search query, but also the synonyms, words that means the same.

To enable synonym search, you must set the UseSynonymSearch property of the SearchOptions class to true. By default, synonym search is disabled.

The default synonym dictionary contains synonyms only for the English language. To manage the synonym dictionary, see the Synonym dictionary page in the Managing dictionaries section.

The following example demonstrates the synonym search.


string indexFolder = @"c:\MyIndex\";
string documentsFolder = @"c:\MyDocuments\";
// Creating an index in the specified folder
Index index = new Index(indexFolder);
// Indexing documents from the specified folder
// Creating a search options object
SearchOptions options = new SearchOptions();
options.UseSynonymSearch = true; // Enabling synonym search
// Search for the word 'answer'
// In addition to the word 'answer', the words 'reply' and 'response' will also be found
SearchResult result = index.Search("answer", options);

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