Supported Document Formats

The following table contains file formats supported by GroupDocs.Search.

Document TypeDocument Type DescriptionSearchable DataSupported VersionsNotes
Word Processing     
DOCMicrosoft Word DocumentContent and metadata Microsoft Word 97+
DOTMicrosoft Word Document TemplateContent and metadata Microsoft Word 97+
DOCXOffice Open XML DocumentContent and metadata  
DOCMOffice Open XML Document [Macro-enabled]Content and metadata  
DOTXOffice Open XML Document TemplateContent and metadata  
DOTMOffice Open XML Document Template [Macro-enabled]Content and metadata  
TXTPlain textContent and metadata  
ODTOpen Document TextContent and metadata  
OTTOpen Document Text TemplateContent and metadata  
RTFRich Text FormatContent and metadata1.9
PDFPortable Document Format FileContent and metadata  
HTMLHypertext Markup Language FileContent and metadata  
XHTMLExtensible Hypertext Markup Language FileContent and metadata  
MHTMLMIME HTML FileContent and metadata Not supported by .NET Core version in Linux
MDMarkdownContent and metadata  
XMLXML FileContent and metadata  
CHMCompiled HTML Help FileContent and metadata1.4 
EPUBOpen eBook FileContent and metadata2.0, 3.0, 3.1 
FB2FictionBook 2.0 FileContent and metadata2.0 
XLSMicrosoft Excel SpreadsheetContent and metadata Microsoft Excel 97+
XLTMicrosoft Excel Spreadsheet TemplateContent and metadata Microsoft Excel 97+
XLSXOffice Open XML SpreadsheetContent and metadata  
XLSMOffice Open XML Spreadsheet [Macro-enabled]Content and metadata  
XLSBOffice Open XML Spreadsheet [Binary]Content and metadata  
XLTXOffice Open XML Spreadsheet TemplateContent and metadata  
XLTMOffice Open XML Spreadsheet Template [Macro-enabled]Content and metadata  
XLAMicrosoft Excel 97-2003 Add-InContent and metadata  
XLAMMicrosoft Excel Open XML Add-InContent and metadata  
ODSOpen Document SpreadsheetContent and metadata  
OTSOpen Document Spreadsheet TemplateContent and metadata  
CSVComma Separated ValuesContent and metadata  
TSVTab Separated ValuesContent and metadata  
XMLSpreadsheetMLContent and metadata  
PPTPowerPoint PresentationContent and metadata Microsoft PowerPoint 97+
PPSPowerPoint SlideshowContent and metadata Microsoft PowerPoint 97+
POTPowerPoint TemplateContent and metadata Microsoft PowerPoint 97+
PPTXOffice Open XML PresentationContent and metadata  
PPTMOffice Open XML Presentation [Macro-enabled]Content and metadata  
POTXOffice Open XML Presentation TemplateContent and metadata  
POTMOffice Open XML Presentation Template [Macro-enabled]Content and metadata  
PPSXOffice Open XML Presentation SlideshowContent and metadata  
PPSMOffice Open XML Presentation Slideshow [Macro-enabled]Content and metadata  
ODPOpen Document PresentationContent and metadata  
PSTOutlook Personal Information Store FileContent and metadata  
OSTOutlook Offline Data FileContent and metadata  
EMLE-Mail MessageContent and metadata  
EMLXApple Mail MessageContent and metadata  
MSGOutlook Mail MessageContent and metadata  
OneNoteOneNote DocumentContent and metadataLocal files of Microsoft OneNote 2010-2016Not supported by .NET Core version in Linux
ZIPZipped FileContent and metadata  
MP3MPEG-2 Audio Layer IIIMetadata only  
WAVWaveform Audio File FormatMetadata only  
BMPBitmap PictureContent and metadata  
GIFGraphical Interchange Format FileContent and metadata  
JP2JPEG 2000 Core Image FileContent and metadata  
PNGPortable Network GraphicsContent and metadata  
WEBPWebP Image Format FileContent and metadata  
TIFFTagged Image File FormatContent and metadata  
EMFEnhanced Windows MetafileContent and metadata  
WMFWindows MetafileContent and metadata  
JPGJPEG ImageContent and metadata  
PSDAdobe Photoshop DocumentContent and metadata  
DJVUDjVu ImageContent and metadata  
Project Management     
MPPMicrosoft Project FileMetadata only  
TORRENTBitTorrent FileMetadata only  
VSDVisio Drawing FileMetadata only  
VSSVisio Stencil FileMetadata only  
DCMDICOM ImageMetadata only  
DICOMDICOM ImageMetadata only  
AVIAudio Video Interleave FileMetadata only  
MOVApple QuickTime MovieMetadata only  
QTApple QuickTime MovieMetadata only  
FLVAnimate Video FileMetadata only  
ASFAdvanced Systems Format FileMetadata only  

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