Highlighting results in network

Search results in the search network can be highlighted in the text of the found document using the Highlight method of the Searcher class.

The set of available classes for highlighting text, as well as the highlighting options, are identical to those used for highlighting search results in a single index. Please see also the Highlighting search results page.

The following code example demonstrates highlighting search results on the search network.


Searcher searcher = node.Searcher;

FragmentHighlighter highlighter = new FragmentHighlighter(OutputFormat.PlainText);

HighlightOptions options = new HighlightOptions();
options.TermsAfter = 5;
options.TermsBefore = 5;
options.TermsTotal = 15;
searcher.Highlight(document, highlighter, options);

FragmentContainer[] result = highlighter.GetResult();
for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++)
    FragmentContainer container = result[i];
    if (container.Count == 0) continue;

    string[] fragments = container.GetFragments();
    int count = Math.Min(fragments.Length, maxFragments);
    for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
        Console.WriteLine("\t" + fragments[j]);

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