GroupDocs.Search for .NET 22.10 Release Notes

Major Features

There are the following features, enhancements, and fixes in this release:

  • Implement reverse image search functionality
  • Implement separate data extraction and indexing
  • Implement support for .NET 6.0
  • Implement increase in indexing speed
  • Fix unsupported document format errors

Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release

SEARCHNET-2666Implement reverse image search functionalityFeature
SEARCHNET-2668Implement separate data extraction and indexingFeature
SEARCHNET-2650Implement support for .NET 6.0Enhancement
SEARCHNET-2690Implement increase in indexing speedEnhancement
SEARCHNET-2710Fix unsupported document format errorsFix

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

Implement reverse image search functionality

The reverse image search functionality provides the ability to search for similar images in archives, documents, and individual files. For more information, see the Reverse image search documentation page.

Public API changes

Class DocumentImage has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Common namespace.
Property GroupDocs.Search.Common.DocumentField[] Fields has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Common.DocumentImage class.
Property GroupDocs.Search.Common.ImageFrame[] Frames has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Common.DocumentImage class.
Property Int32 ImageIndex has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Common.DocumentImage class.

Class FoundImageFrame has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Results namespace.
Property GroupDocs.Search.Results.DocumentInfo DocumentInfo has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Results.FoundImageFrame class.
Property Int32 FrameIndex has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Results.FoundImageFrame class.
Property Int32 HashDifferences has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Results.FoundImageFrame class.
Property Int32 ImageIndex has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Results.FoundImageFrame class.

Class ImageFrame has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Common namespace.
Property Int32 Index has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Common.ImageFrame class.

Class ImageIndexingOptions has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Options namespace.
Property Boolean EnabledForContainerItemImages has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Options.ImageIndexingOptions class.
Property Boolean EnabledForEmbeddedImages has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Options.ImageIndexingOptions class.
Property Boolean EnabledForSeparateImages has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Options.ImageIndexingOptions class.

Class ImagePreparingEventArgs has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Events namespace.
Property System.String DocumentKey has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Events.ImagePreparingEventArgs class.
Property GroupDocs.Search.Common.ImageFrame[] ImageFrames has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Events.ImagePreparingEventArgs class.
Property Int32 ImageIndex has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Events.ImagePreparingEventArgs class.
Property System.IO.Stream ImageStream has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Events.ImagePreparingEventArgs class.
Property System.String[] InnerPath has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Events.ImagePreparingEventArgs class.

Class ImageSearchOptions has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Options namespace.
Property Int32 HashDifferences has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Options.ImageSearchOptions class.
Property Int32 MaxResultCount has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Options.ImageSearchOptions class.
Property GroupDocs.Search.Options.ISearchDocumentFilter SearchDocumentFilter has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Options.ImageSearchOptions class.

Class ImageSearchResult has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Results namespace.
Method GroupDocs.Search.Results.FoundImageFrame GetFoundImage(Int32) has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Results.ImageSearchResult class.
Property Int32 ImageCount has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Results.ImageSearchResult class.

Class SearchImage has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Common namespace.
Method GroupDocs.Search.Common.SearchImage Create(System.String) has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Common.SearchImage class.
Method GroupDocs.Search.Common.SearchImage Create(System.String, Int32) has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Common.SearchImage class.
Method GroupDocs.Search.Common.SearchImage Create(System.IO.Stream) has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Common.SearchImage class.
Method GroupDocs.Search.Common.SearchImage Create(System.IO.Stream, Int32) has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Common.SearchImage class.

Property GroupDocs.Search.Options.ImageIndexingOptions ImageIndexingOptions has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Options.IndexingOptions class.
Property GroupDocs.Search.Options.ImageIndexingOptions ImageIndexingOptions has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Options.TextOptions class.
Property GroupDocs.Search.Options.ImageIndexingOptions ImageIndexingOptions has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Options.UpdateOptions class.

Event System.EventHandler<GroupDocs.Search.Events.ImagePreparingEventArgs> ImagePreparing has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Events.EventHub class.

Property Boolean EnabledForContainerItemImages has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Options.OcrIndexingOptions class.

Method GroupDocs.Search.Results.ImageSearchResult Search(GroupDocs.Search.Common.SearchImage, GroupDocs.Search.Options.ImageSearchOptions) has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Index class.

Use cases

The following example demonstrates how to perform reverse image search in an index.

string indexFolder = @"c:\MyIndex";
string documentFolder = @"c:\MyDocuments";

// Creating an index
Index index = new Index(indexFolder);

// Setting the image indexing options
IndexingOptions indexingOptions = new IndexingOptions();
indexingOptions.ImageIndexingOptions.EnabledForContainerItemImages = true;
indexingOptions.ImageIndexingOptions.EnabledForEmbeddedImages = true;
indexingOptions.ImageIndexingOptions.EnabledForSeparateImages = true;

// Indexing documents in a document folder
index.Add(documentFolder, indexingOptions);

// Setting the image search options
ImageSearchOptions imageSearchOptions = new ImageSearchOptions();
imageSearchOptions.HashDifferences = 10;
imageSearchOptions.MaxResultCount = 100;
imageSearchOptions.SearchDocumentFilter = SearchDocumentFilter.CreateFileExtension(".zip", ".png", ".jpg");

// Creating a reference image for search
SearchImage searchImage = SearchImage.Create(@"c:\MyDocuments\image.png");

// Searching in the index
ImageSearchResult result = index.Search(searchImage, imageSearchOptions);

Console.WriteLine("Images found: " + result.ImageCount);
for (int i = 0; i < result.ImageCount; i++)
    FoundImageFrame image = result.GetFoundImage(i);

Implement separate data extraction and indexing

The separate data extraction functionality provides the ability to separately extract data from documents and add the extracted data to an index. In this case, between the stages of extraction and indexing, the extracted data can be serialized to an array of bytes and vice versa. This may be required, for example, for network transmission between search engine servers. For more information, see the Separate data extraction documentation page.

Public API changes

Class ExtractedData has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Common namespace.
Method GroupDocs.Search.Common.ExtractedData Deserialize(Byte[]) has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Common.ExtractedData class.
Method Byte[] Serialize() has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Common.ExtractedData class.

Class ExtractionOptions has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Options namespace.
Property GroupDocs.Search.Common.IFieldExtractor CustomExtractor has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Options.ExtractionOptions class.
Property System.String Encoding has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Options.ExtractionOptions class.
Property GroupDocs.Search.Options.ImageIndexingOptions ImageIndexingOptions has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Options.ExtractionOptions class.
Property GroupDocs.Search.Options.MetadataIndexingOptions MetadataIndexingOptions has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Options.ExtractionOptions class.
Property GroupDocs.Search.Options.OcrIndexingOptions OcrIndexingOptions has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Options.ExtractionOptions class.
Property Boolean UseRawTextExtraction has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Options.ExtractionOptions class.

Class ExtractorSettings has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Common namespace.
Property GroupDocs.Search.Options.IndexType IndexType has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Common.ExtractorSettings class.

Class Extractor has been added to GroupDocs.Search namespace.
Event System.EventHandler<GroupDocs.Search.Events.IndexErrorEventArgs> ErrorOccurred has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Extractor class.
Method GroupDocs.Search.Common.ExtractedData Extract(GroupDocs.Search.Common.Document, GroupDocs.Search.Options.ExtractionOptions) has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Extractor class.
Event System.EventHandler<GroupDocs.Search.Events.ImagePreparingEventArgs> ImagePreparing has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Extractor class.
Event System.EventHandler<GroupDocs.Search.Events.PasswordRequiredEventArgs> PasswordRequired has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Extractor class.
Property GroupDocs.Search.Common.ExtractorSettings Settings has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Extractor class.

Property System.String[] InnerPathParts has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Results.DocumentInfo class.

Field GroupDocs.Search.Common.DocumentSourceKind ExtractedData has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Common.DocumentSourceKind enum.

Property Int32 SegmentCount has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Common.IndexInfo class.
Property Int32 TermCount has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Common.IndexInfo class.

Method Void Add(GroupDocs.Search.Common.ExtractedData[], GroupDocs.Search.Options.IndexingOptions) has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Index class.

Use cases

The following example demonstrates how to perform separate data extraction and indexing.

string indexFolder = @"c:\MyIndex";
string documentPath = @"c:\MyDocuments\MyDocument.pdf";

// Extracting data from a document
Extractor extractor = new Extractor();
Document document = Document.CreateFromFile(documentPath);
ExtractionOptions extractionOptions = new ExtractionOptions();
extractionOptions.UseRawTextExtraction = false;
ExtractedData extractedData = extractor.Extract(document, extractionOptions);

// Serializing the data
byte[] array = extractedData.Serialize();

// Deserializing the data
ExtractedData deserializedData = ExtractedData.Deserialize(array);

// Creating an index
Index index = new Index(indexFolder);

// Indexing the data
ExtractedData[] data = new ExtractedData[]
index.Add(data, new IndexingOptions());

// Searching in the index
SearchResult result = index.Search("Einstein");

Implement support for .NET 6.0

This enhancement implements the ability to use the library and API on the .NET 6.0 platform.

Public API changes


Use cases


Implement increase in indexing speed

This enhancement improves the indexing speed of the full-text search engine. The indexing speed of the first 1000 text documents has been increased by 30%. Significantly reduced the effect of indexing speed degradation with increasing index.

Public API changes


Use cases


Fix unsupported document format errors

This fix eliminates indexing errors for some documents indexed from a file.

Public API changes


Use cases
