Create custom format handler

If format is not supported, you will need to implement a handler for it by inheriting from DocumentFormatInstance class. Depending on the document’s features and required redactions, you will also need to implement one or several interfaces, allowing GroupDocs.Redaction to work with this document format.

ITextualFormatInstanceRequired for document text redactions to work, replaces occurrences of given regular expression with text or a color block
IMetadataAccessRequired for metadata redactions, reads metadata and changes specific metadata item
IAnnotatedDocumentRequired for annotation redactions, changes or deletes annotations, matching given regular expression
IRasterizableDocumentRequired to rasterize (save document as a PDF with page images)
IImageFormatInstanceRequired for raster image format redactions, based on area top-left corner coordinates and area size
IPreviewableRequired to provide document general information and preview functionality

Each of these interfaces is optional, i.e. you don’t have to implement all of them, e.g. IImageFormatInstance - if you don’t need its functionality or IMetadataAccess, if your format does not support metadata.

Below, we create a DocumentFormatInstance class with custom logic for textual documents processing, supporting only textual redactions:


public class CustomTextualDocument : DocumentFormatInstance, ITextualFormatInstance
    private RedactorSettings Settings { get; set; }
    private List<string> FileContent { get; set; }

    public CustomTextualDocument()
        FileContent = new List<string>();

    public override void Initialize(DocumentFormatConfiguration config, RedactorSettings settings)
        Settings = settings;

    public override void Load(System.IO.Stream input)
        using (var reader = new StreamReader(input))
            while (!reader.EndOfStream)

    public override void Save(System.IO.Stream output)
        var writer = new StreamWriter(output);
        foreach (var line in FileContent)

    public RedactionResult ReplaceText(Regex regex, Redactions.ReplacementOptions options)
            if (options.ActionType != Redactions.ReplacementType.ReplaceString)
                return new RedactionResult.Failed("This format allows only ReplaceString redactions!");
            for (int i = 0; i < FileContent.Count; i++)
                FileContent[i] = regex.Replace(FileContent[i], options.Replacement);
            return RedactionResult.Successful();
        catch (Exception ex)
            return RedactionResult.Failed(ex.ToString());

In order to use this class, we will need to add it to pre-configured formats, e.g. as a handler for dump files ("*.dump"):


var config = RedactorConfiguration.GetInstance();
config.AvailableFormats.Add(new DocumentFormatConfiguration()
    ExtensionFilter = ".dump",
    DocumentType = typeof(CustomTextualDocument)

Security and password protection

If your format supports security options like password protection, you’ll have to pass true or false to SetAccessGranted method of DocumentFormatInstance class in your override of Load method and throw IncorrectPasswordException or PasswordRequiredException, if applicable. For instance:


public override void Load(System.IO.Stream input)
		// check security and load document 

    catch (SomeSecurityException)
		// Password, provided with LoadOptions
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Password))
            throw new Exceptions.PasswordRequiredException();
            throw new Exceptions.IncorrectPasswordException();

More resources

GitHub examples

You may easily run the code above and see the feature in action in our GitHub examples:

Free online document redaction App

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