Select specific pages for rasterized PDF

Select specific pages for rasterized PDF

Saving document as a rasterized PDF, you can specify starting page index (zero based) and the number of pages from this index to save. Also, you can change the Compliance level from PDF/A-1b, which is used by default, to PDF/A-1a:

final Redactor redactor = new Redactor("MultipageSample.docx");
    RedactorChangeLog result = redactor.apply(new ExactPhraseRedaction("John Doe", new ReplacementOptions(java.awt.Color.RED)));
    if (result.getStatus() != RedactionStatus.Failed)
        SaveOptions options = new SaveOptions();
        options.getRasterization().setEnabled(true);                           // the same as options.RasterizeToPDF = true;
        options.getRasterization().setPageIndex(5);                            // start from 6th page (index is 0-based)
        options.getRasterization().setPageCount(1);                            // save only one page
        options.getRasterization().setCompliance(PdfComplianceLevel.PdfA1a);   // by default PdfComplianceLevel.Auto or PDF/A-1b
finally { redactor.close(); }

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