Save to stream

You might need to save a document to any custom file at any location on the local disc or a even a Stream.

The following example demonstrates how to save a document to any location.

final Redactor redactor = new Redactor("Sample.docx");
    // Here we can use document instance to perform redactions
    RedactorChangeLog result = redactor.apply(new ExactPhraseRedaction("John Doe", new ReplacementOptions(java.awt.Color.RED)));
    if (result.getStatus() != RedactionStatus.Failed)
        // Save the document to a custom location and convert its pages to images
        final FileOutputStream fileStream = new FileOutputStream("C:\\\\Temp\\\\sample_output_file.pdf");
            RasterizationOptions options = new  RasterizationOptions();
  , options);
        finally { fileStream.close(); }
finally { redactor.close(); }