Use OCR Connector

OcrConnectorBase class provides the interface to integrate any OCR solution to GroupDocs.Parser. This class has the following members:

RecognizeTextExtracts a text from the provided image stream. It is used when GetText method from Parser class is called.
RecognizeTextAreasExtracts text areas from the provided image stream. It is used when GetTextAreas method from Parser class is called.

Class with OCR integration must implement at least one of these methods (depends on the required functionality).

Extract a text from the image

RegognizeText method has the following signature:

string RecognizeText(Stream imageStream, int pageIndex, OcrOptions options)
imageStreamAn image from which the text must be extracted.
pageIndexA zero-based index of the page in the document (in the case when the image represents the document page).
optionsIs used to define a rectangular area which restricts the area of the image and OcrEventHandler object to handle warnings while the text recognition.

The following example shows how to implement text recognition by using Aspose.OCR on-premise API:

public override string RecognizeText(Stream imageStream, int pageIndex, OcrOptions options)
    // Create an instance of Aspose OCR API
    AsposeOcr api = new AsposeOcr();

    // Convert the image stream into the memory stream
    using (MemoryStream memoryStream = GetMemoryStream(imageStream))
        // Create an instance of RecognitionSettings
        RecognitionSettings settings = new RecognitionSettings();

        // Check if the rectangle is set
        if (options != null && options.Rectangle != null)
            List<Aspose.Drawing.Rectangle> areas = new List<Aspose.Drawing.Rectangle>();
            areas.Add(new Aspose.Drawing.Rectangle(

            // Set recognition areas
            settings.RecognitionAreas = areas;

        // Perform the text recognition
        RecognitionResult result = api.RecognizeImage(memoryStream, settings);

        // Check if the handler is set
        if (options != null && options.Handler != null)
            // Send all recognition warnings
            options.Handler.OnWarnings(pageIndex, result.Warnings);

        // Return a recognized text
        return result.RecognitionText;

Extract text areas from the image

RecognizeTextAreas method has the following signature:

IList<PageTextArea> RecognizeTextAreas(Stream imageStream, int pageIndex, Size pageSize, OcrOptions options)
imageStreamAn image from which the text must be extracted.
pageIndexA zero-based index of the page in the document (in the case when the image represents the document page).
pageSizeA size of the image (in the case when the image represents the document page - the size of the page).
optionsIs used to define a rectangular area which restricts the area of the image and OcrEventHandler object to handle warnings while the text recognition.

The following example shows how to implement text areas recognition by using Aspose.OCR on-premise API:

public override IList<PageTextArea> RecognizeTextAreas(Stream imageStream, int pageIndex, Data.Size pageSize, OcrOptions options)
    // Create an instance of Aspose OCR API
    AsposeOcr api = new AsposeOcr();

    // Convert the image stream into the memory stream
    using (MemoryStream memoryStream = GetMemoryStream(imageStream))
        // Create recognition settings and set detect areas
        RecognitionSettings settings = new RecognitionSettings(detectAreas: true);

        // Check if the rectangle is set
        if (options != null && options.Rectangle != null)
            List<Aspose.Drawing.Rectangle> areas = new List<Aspose.Drawing.Rectangle>();
            areas.Add(new Aspose.Drawing.Rectangle(

            // Set recognition areas
            settings.RecognitionAreas = areas;

        // Perform the text recognition 
        RecognitionResult r = api.RecognizeImage(memoryStream, settings);

        // Check if the handler is set
        if (options != null && options.Handler != null)
            // Send all recognition warnings
            options.Handler.OnWarnings(pageIndex, r.Warnings);

        // Create a page object. The pageIndex parameter represents the page index of the document; for images it's always zero.
        Page page = new Page(pageIndex, pageSize);

        // Combibe rectangle and text collections to produce PageTextArea collection
        return r.RecognitionAreasRectangles
            .Zip(r.RecognitionAreasText, (rect, text) => new { Rect = rect, Text = text })
            .Select(x => new PageTextArea(x.Text, page, new Data.Rectangle(x.Rect.Left, x.Rect.Top, x.Rect.Right, x.Rect.Bottom)))