GroupDocs.Parser for .NET 18.2 Release Notes

Major Features

There are the following features and enhancements in this release:

  • Ability to extract a raw text from Markdown documents
  • Ability to extract a formatted text from Markdown documents
  • Ability to extract a text with its structure from Markdown documents
  • Improved the memory consuming while extracting a text from ost/pst files

Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release

KeySummaryIssue Type
TEXTNET-843Implement the support for raw text extraction from Markdown documentsNew feature
TEXTNET-844Implement the support for formatted text extraction from Markdown documentsNew feature
TEXTNET-845Implement the support for structured text extraction from Markdown documentsNew feature
TEXTNET-873Improve the memory consuming while extracting a text from ost (pst) filesEnhancement

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

Support for raw text extraction from Markdown documents


This feature allows extracting a raw text from Markdown (.md) files.

Public API changes

Added MarkdownTextExtractor class.


Extracts a line of characters from a document:


// Create a text extractor for Markdown documents
using (var extractor = new MarkdownTextExtractor(stream)) {
  // Extract a line of the text
  string line = extractor.ExtractLine();
  // If the line is null, then the end of the file is reached
  while (line != null) {
    // Print a line to the console
    // Extract another line
    line = extractor.ExtractLine();

Extracts all characters from a document:


// Create a text extractor for Markdown documents
using (var extractor = new MarkdownTextExtractor(stream)) {
  // Extract a text

Support for formatted text extraction from Markdown documents


This feature allows extracting a formatted text from Markdown (.md) files.

Public API changes

Added MarkdownFormattedTextExtractor class.


Extracts a line of characters from a document:


// Create a text extractor for Markdown documents
using (var extractor = new MarkdownFormattedTextExtractor(stream)) {
  // Extract a line of the text
  string line = extractor.ExtractLine();
  // If the line is null, then the end of the file is reached
  while (line != null) {
    // Print a line to the console
    // Extract another line
    line = extractor.ExtractLine();

Extracts all characters from a document:


// Create a text extractor for Markdown documents
using (var extractor = new MarkdownFormattedTextExtractor(stream)) {
  // Extract a text

For setting a formatter DocumentFormatter property is used. By default, a text is formatted as a plain text by PlainDocumentFormatter.


// Create a formatted text extractor for text documents
MarkdownFormattedTextExtractor extractor = new MarkdownFormattedTextExtractor(stream);
// Set a HTML formatter for formatting
extractor.DocumentFormatter = new HtmlDocumentFormatter(); // all the text will be formatted as HTML

Support for structured text extraction from Markdown documents


This feature allows extracting a text with its structure from Markdown (.md) files.

Public API changes

Added ExtractStructured method to MarkdownTextExtractor class.
Added Style property to TextProperties class.
Added (bool isEmphasized, string style) constructor to TextProperties class.


Extracting headers from a document:


StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
IStructuredExtractor extractor = new MarkdownTextExtractor(stream);
StructuredHandler handler = new StructuredHandler();

// Handle List event to prevent processing of lists
handler.List += (sender, e) => e.Properties.SkipElement = true; // ignore lists

// Handle Table event to prevent processing of tables
handler.Table += (sender, e) => e.Properties.SkipElement = true; // ignore tables

// Handle Paragraph event to process a paragraph
handler.Paragraph += (sender, e) =>
    int h1 = (int)ParagraphStyle.Heading1;
    int h6 = (int)ParagraphStyle.Heading6;

    int style = (int)e.Properties.Style;
    if (h1 <= style && style <= h6)
        if (sb.Length > 0)

        sb.Append(' ', style - h1); // make an indention for the header (h1 - no indention)
        e.Properties.SkipElement = e.Properties.Style != ParagraphStyle.Title; // skip paragraph if it's not a header or a title

// Handle ElementText event to process a text
handler.ElementText += (sender, e) => sb.Append(e.Text);

// Extract a text with its structure


Improved memory consuming while extracting a text from ost (pst) files


Improved the memory consuming while extracting a text from ost/pst files

Public API changes

No public API changes



var container = new PersonalStorageContainer(fileStream);
var enumerator = container.Entities.GetEnumerator();

while (enumerator.MoveNext())
	var entity = enumerator.Current;
	using (var entityStream = entity.OpenStream())
		using (var extractor = new EmailTextExtractor(entityStream))
			string content = extractor.ExtractAll();