Supported File Formats

The following table contains a full list of file formats that are currently supported by GroupDocs.Metadata for .NET.

ASFAdvanced Systems FormatVideo(tick)(tick) 
AVIAudio Video Interleave File(tick)(tick) 
BMPBitmap Picture (BMP)(tick)(tick)BMP Specification v5
CR2Digital photography RAW format created by Canon(tick)(tick) 
DAEDae File Format(tick)(tick) 
DICOMDigital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM)(tick)(tick) 
DJVU/DJVDeja Vu (DjVu)(tick)(tick)Supported since version 3.0
DNGDigital Negative Specification(tick)(tick) 
DOCMicrosoft Word 97 - 2007 Document.(tick)(tick)*.doc versions starting from Microsoft Word 95
DOCMOffice Open XML WordprocessingML Macro-Enabled Document.(tick)(tick) 
DOCXOffice Open XML WordprocessingML Document (macro-free).(tick)(tick) 
DOTMicrosoft Word 97 - 2007 Template.(tick)(tick) 
DOTXOffice Open XML WordprocessingML Template (macro-free).(tick)(tick) 
DWGAutodesk Design Data Formats(tick)(tick) 
DXFAutoCAD Drawing Interchange(tick)(tick) 
EMFWindows Enhanced Metafile (EMF)(tick)(tick)Revision 11.0
EMLEmail Message Format(tick)(tick) 
EPUBSaves the document in the IDPF EPUB format.(tick)(tick)Versions 2.0, 3.0.1, 3.1
FBXFbx File Format(tick)(tick) 
FLVFlash Video File(tick)(tick) 
GEOJSONGeoJson File Format(tick)(tick) 
GIFGraphics Interchange Format (GIF)(tick)(tick)Supported since version 89a
GMLGml File Format(tick)(tick) 
GPXGpx File Format(tick)(tick) 
HEIF/HEICHigh Efficiency Image File Format(tick)(tick) 
JP2JPEG2000 Core Image File(tick)(tick) 
JPG / JPEG / JPE  Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG)(tick)(tick)Supported since version 1.02
KMLKml File Format(tick)(tick) 
MOV / QTApple QuickTime Movie(tick)(tick) 
MP3MPEG Audio Layer III(tick)(tick) 
MPPMicrosoft Project Document(tick)(tick) 
MSGOutlook Email Message Format(tick)(tick) 
ODSOpen Document Spreadsheet(tick)(tick) 
ODTODF Text Document.(tick)(tick) 
ONEMicrosoft OneNote(tick)(tick) 
OSMOsm File Format(tick)(tick) 
OTCOpenDocument Chart Template(tick)(tick) 
OTFOpenType Font(tick)(tick) 
PDFSaves the document as PDF (Adobe Portable Document) format.(tick)(tick)*.pdf versions starting from PDF version 1.2
PNGPortable Network Graphics (PNG)(tick)(tick)Version 1.0 and later 
POTMOOXML Macro Enabled Presentation Template(tick)(tick) 
POTXOOXML Presentation Template(tick)(tick) 
PPSPowerPoint SlideShow 97-2003(tick)(tick) 
PPSMOOXML Macros Enabled Presentation(tick)(tick) 
PPSXOOXML SlideShow(tick)(tick) 
PPTPowerPoint Presentation 97-2003(tick)(tick)*.ppt versions starting from Microsoft PowerPoint 97
PPTMOOXML Macro Enabled Presentation(tick)(tick) 
PPTXOOXML Presentation(tick)(tick) 
PSDAdobe Photoshop Document (PSD)(tick)(tick)Adobe Photoshop 2.0 and later
RARRAR Archive File Format(tick)(tick) 
SEVENZIP7z Archive File Format(tick)(tick) 
SHPShp File Format(tick)(tick) 
STLStl File Format(tick)(tick) 
TARTAR Archive File Format(tick)(tick) 
THREEDS3DS File Format(tick)(tick) 
TIFFTagged Image File Format (TIFF)(tick)(tick)Supported since version 6.0
TOPOJSONTopoJson File Format(tick)(tick) 
TORRENTBitTorrent File(tick)(tick) 
TTCTrueType Font Collection(tick)(tick) 
TTFTrueType Font(tick)(tick) 
VCFElectronic Business Card (vCard)(tick)(tick) 
VCRElectronic Business Card (vCard)(tick)(tick) 
VDXMicrosoft Visio 2003-2010 XML Drawing(tick)(tick) 
VSDMicrosoft Visio 2003-2010 Drawing(tick)(tick) 
VSDXMicrosoft Visio Drawing(tick)(tick) 
VSSMicrosoft Visio 2003-2010 Stencil(tick)(tick) 
VSXMicrosoft Visio 2003-2010 XML Stencil(tick)(tick) 
WAVWaveform Audio File Format(tick)(tick) 
WEBPWebP Image(tick)(tick) 
WMFWindows Metafile (WMF)(tick)(tick)Revision 13.0
XLSExcel Workbook 97-2003(tick)(tick)*.xls versions starting from Microsoft Excel 95
XLSMOOXML Macro Enabled Workbook(tick)(tick) 
XLSXOOXML 2007-2010(tick)(tick) 
XLTMOOXML Macro Enabled Workbook Template(tick)(tick) 
ZIPArchive File Format(tick)(tick)Supported since version 6.3.4

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