Extract pages

Extract pages 

GroupDocs.Merger allows to extract pages from source document. The result is a new document that contains only specified pages from the source document.

Here are the steps to extract document pages:

  • Initialize ExtractOptions class with page numbers that should appear in the resultant document;
  • Instantiate Merger object with source document path or InputStream;
  • Call extractPages method and pass ExtractOptions object to it;
  • Call save method specifying file path to save resultant document.

The following code sample demonstrates how to extract document pages by specifying exact page numbers:

const inputFilePath = `c:/sample.pdf`;
const merger = new groupdocs.merger.Merger(inputFilePath);
const outputPath = `c:/output/result.pdf`;
const java = require('java');
const pageArray = java.newArray('int', [1, 3]);
const extractOptions = new groupdocs.merger.ExtractOptions(pageArray);

The following code sample demonstrates how to extract document pages by specifying page numbers range:

const inputFilePath = `c:/sample.pdf`;
const merger = new groupdocs.merger.Merger(inputFilePath);
const outputPath = `c:/output/result.pdf`;
const evenPages = groupdocs.merger.RangeMode.EvenPages;
const extractOptions = new groupdocs.merger.ExtractOptions(1, 3, evenPages);