Fluent syntax

Fluent syntax provides a compact call for most public methods of GroupDocs.Merger.

These methods include:

  • Join two or more documents,
  • Join a specific or group of pages from various documents,
  • Split a document into several resultant documents,
  • Split document by providing specific page numbers,
  • Change page position within a document,
  • Remove single or multiple pages from the document,
  • Rotate the page to an angle of 90, 180, or 270 degrees,
  • Swap the position of two pages within a document,
  • Extract a specific page or a range of pages from the document,
  • Change page orientation (portrait, landscape) of specific or all pages within a document,
  • Set, update or remove the document password,
  • etc.

Please see the example how to use the fluent syntax below:

using (Merger merger = new Merger(@"c:\document1.pdf"))