Field Management in GroupDocs.Editor for Node.js via Java

The groupdocs-editor module provides classes and interfaces for the management and manipulation of form fields within Word documents. This feature allows users to interact with various types of form fields programmatically, including text fields, checkboxes, dropdowns, and more. This article covers the main features and usage of field management in GroupDocs.Editor for Node.js via Java.

Key Classes and Interfaces


The IFormField interface represents a general form field and defines common properties shared among all form fields.


  • getStylesheet(): Gets the stylesheet associated with the form field.
  • getReadonly(): Gets or sets a value indicating whether the form field is read-only.
  • getName(): Gets the name of the form field.
  • getType(): Gets the type of the form field.
  • getLocaleId(): Gets or sets the locale identifier for the form field.
  • getStatusText(): Gets or sets the status text associated with the form field.
  • getHelpText(): Gets or sets the help text associated with the form field.

Specific Form Field Types

The module includes several classes that implement IFormField for specific types of form fields:

  • CheckBoxForm: Represents a checkbox form field.
  • DropDownFormField: Represents a dropdown form field with a list of string values.
  • NumberFormField: Represents a number input form field.
  • TextFormField: Represents a text input form field.
  • DateFormField: Represents a date input form field.


The FormFieldCollection class manages a collection of form fields within a document. It allows you to enumerate, insert, and retrieve form fields by their name.


  • insert(formField): Adds a new form field to the collection.
  • iterator(): Returns an iterator that iterates through the collection.
  • get(name): Gets the form field with the specified name.
  • getFormField(name, type): Retrieves a form field of a specific type by its name.


The InvalidFormField class represents an invalid form field that needs renaming. It is used in the context of fixing invalid form field names.


  • getName(): Gets the original name of the form field.
  • getFixedName(): Gets or sets the new name for the form field after repair. The default value is name + "_fixed".


The FormFieldManager class provides a high-level interface for managing form fields in a document.


  • getFormFieldCollection(): Gets the collection of form fields in the document.


  • updateFormFields(formFieldCollection): Updates form fields in the document.
  • fixInvalidFormFieldNames(updateInvalidFormFieldNames): Fixes invalid form field names in the document.
  • hasInvalidFormFields(): Checks if the document has invalid form fields.
  • removeFormField(formField): Removes a specific form field.
  • removeFormFields(formFields): Removes multiple form fields.

Working with Form Fields

Here’s how you can use the form field management features in GroupDocs.Editor for Node.js via Java.

Loading a Document and Accessing Form Fields

// Import the necessary modules
const groupdocsEditor = require('groupdocs-editor');

// Specify the input Word document
const inputFilePath = 'path/to/your/document.docx';

// Create an instance of Editor
const editor = new groupdocsEditor.Editor(inputFilePath);

// Create WordProcessingEditOptions
const editOptions = new groupdocsEditor.WordProcessingEditOptions();

// Open the document for editing
const editableDocument = editor.edit(editOptions);

// Get the FormFieldManager
const formFieldManager = editableDocument.getFormFieldManager();

// Access the form field collection
const formFieldCollection = formFieldManager.getFormFieldCollection();

Iterating Over Form Fields

// Iterate over each form field in the collection
formFieldCollection.forEach((formField) => {
    console.log('Form Field Name:', formField.getName());
    console.log('Form Field Type:', formField.getType());

Adding a New Text Form Field

// Create a new TextFormField
const textFormField = new groupdocsEditor.TextFormField();
textFormField.setText('Default Text');

// Insert the new form field into the collection

Removing a Form Field

// Remove a form field by name
const formFieldToRemove = formFieldCollection.get('FieldNameToRemove');
if (formFieldToRemove) {

Fixing Invalid Form Field Names

// Check if there are invalid form fields
if (formFieldManager.hasInvalidFormFields()) {
    // Get the list of invalid form fields
    const invalidFormFields = formFieldManager.getInvalidFormFields();

    // Prepare an array to hold updates
    const updates = [];

    invalidFormFields.forEach((invalidField) => {
        // Create an update object
        const update = new groupdocsEditor.UpdateInvalidFormFieldNames();
        update.setFixedName(invalidField.getName() + '_fixed');

        // Add to updates array

    // Fix invalid form field names

Saving the Edited Document

// Create save options
const saveOptions = new groupdocsEditor.WordProcessingSaveOptions(groupdocsEditor.WordProcessingFormats.Docx);

// Save the edited document, 'path/to/output/document.docx', saveOptions);

// Dispose of resources


The form field management feature in GroupDocs.Editor for Node.js via Java provides a powerful set of tools for managing form fields in Word documents. With these tools, developers can programmatically interact with, modify, and validate form fields, ensuring that documents are correctly formatted and free of duplicate or invalid form fields.

For more details, refer to the official GroupDocs.Editor for Node.js via Java documentation.

Note: Make sure to replace 'path/to/your/document.docx' and 'path/to/output/document.docx' with the actual file paths in your application.

For additional examples and information, you can check the GroupDocs.Editor for Node.js via Java Examples repository on GitHub.