Edit Markdown Documents

This example demonstrates the standard open-edit-save pipeline with Markdown (MD) documents, using different options at every step.


Markdown is a lightweight markup language that has become popular recently. Markdown files with a *.md extension are plain text files containing special syntax, supporting text formatting, tables, lists, images, and more. There are several dialects of Markdown, including GFM, CommonMark, Multi-Markdown, and others.

GroupDocs.Editor for Node.js via Java fully supports the Markdown format on both import and export, including its auto-detection.

GroupDocs.Editor for Node.js via Java supports the following Markdown features, which mostly follow the CommonMark specification and are represented as appropriate styles or direct formatting:

  • Headings
  • Blockquotes
  • Code blocks
  • Horizontal rules
  • Bold emphasis
  • Italic emphasis
  • Strikethrough formatting
  • Numbered and bulleted lists
  • Tables
  • Internal images, stored with base64 encoding
  • External images


Loading Markdown documents into the Editor class is straightforward and similar to other formats. There are no dedicated load options for the Markdown format; it is enough to specify the file itself through a file path or an input stream.

The code example below shows loading the same Markdown file into two Editor instances through a file path and a byte stream, and then checking how GroupDocs.Editor will detect the format of the specified file.

// Import necessary modules
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const groupdocsEditor = require('groupdocs-editor');

// Specify the file name and path
const filename = 'sample.md';
const inputPath = path.join('path', 'to', 'markdown', filename);

// Load from file path
const editorFromPath = new groupdocsEditor.Editor(inputPath);

// Load from stream
const fileStream = fs.createReadStream(inputPath);
const editorFromStream = new groupdocsEditor.Editor(fileStream);

// Get document info
const info = editorFromPath.getDocumentInfo();

if (info.getFormat() === groupdocsEditor.TextualFormats.Md) {
    console.log('The document format is Markdown.');
} else {
    console.log('The document format is not Markdown.');

// Dispose of editors when done


There is a special class MarkdownEditOptions for editing Markdown files. It is not mandatory when editing a document; you can use the editor.edit() overload without parameters—GroupDocs.Editor will automatically detect the format and apply the default options.

However, specifying custom MarkdownEditOptions may be essential when the input Markdown file has external images; “external” means that images are stored elsewhere, and in the Markdown code there are links to these images. When MarkdownEditOptions are not specified and correctly configured (explained below), GroupDocs.Editor will not be able to locate such images. To reference all external images, an instance of MarkdownEditOptions should be created, and the setImageLoadCallback() property should be correctly specified.

To do this, you must create your own class that implements the IMarkdownImageLoadCallback interface. This interface defines a single method processImage(), which receives a MarkdownImageLoadArgs object and must return a value of the MarkdownImageLoadingAction enumeration.

The working mechanism is as follows. GroupDocs.Editor parses an input Markdown file line by line, character by character. When it encounters a link to an external image, it creates an instance of MarkdownImageLoadArgs with all data about this image—its filename (or relative path, or URL) and a boolean flag indicating whether it is a local link (in the filesystem) or a web link. Then, when MarkdownEditOptions have the setImageLoadCallback() property specified with your implementation of IMarkdownImageLoadCallback, GroupDocs.Editor invokes the processImage() method by passing the prepared MarkdownImageLoadArgs into it. GroupDocs.Editor then “waits” until your code makes a decision—a return value of the MarkdownImageLoadingAction enumeration.

If your implementation returns MarkdownImageLoadingAction.Skip, then the image will be skipped—the resultant document will have an “empty area” where the image should be.

If your implementation returns MarkdownImageLoadingAction.Default, then GroupDocs.Editor will try to load the image by itself—this is possible if, for example, the link to the image is an absolute path or URL.

If your implementation returns MarkdownImageLoadingAction.UserProvided, then this means that your code must provide the image data by itself, specifying it in the setData() method of MarkdownImageLoadArgs. In that case, GroupDocs.Editor will process the specified binary data for this image.

The code example below shows exactly the last scenario, where you create your own implementation of the IMarkdownImageLoadCallback interface.

Let’s say we have the following file and folder structure:

  • root/input.md
  • root/images/image1.png
  • root/images/image2.jpeg

The input.md is a Markdown file we want to open and edit, located in the “root” folder, and it uses (references) two raster images image1.png and image2.jpeg, located in the “images” subfolder.

// Import necessary modules
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const groupdocsEditor = require('groupdocs-editor');

// Define the custom image loader class
class MdImageLoader {
    constructor(imagesFolder) {
        this.imagesFolder = imagesFolder;

    // Implement the processImage method
    processImage(args) {
        const imagePath = path.join(this.imagesFolder, path.basename(args.getImageFileName()));
        const imageData = fs.readFileSync(imagePath);
        return groupdocsEditor.MarkdownImageLoadingAction.UserProvided;

function editingMarkdown() {
    const inputMdPath = path.join('root', 'input.md');
    const imagesFolder = path.join('root', 'images');

    // Create the edit options
    const editOptions = new groupdocsEditor.MarkdownEditOptions();
    editOptions.setImageLoadCallback(new MdImageLoader(imagesFolder));

    const editor = new groupdocsEditor.Editor(inputMdPath);

    const beforeEdit = editor.edit(editOptions);

    // Ensure there are 2 images
    console.log('Number of images:', beforeEdit.getImages().length);
    console.log('First image type:', beforeEdit.getImages()[0].getType().getFileExtension());
    console.log('Second image type:', beforeEdit.getImages()[1].getType().getFileExtension());

    const originalHtmlContent = beforeEdit.getEmbeddedHtml();

    // Send the 'originalHtmlContent' to the client-side WYSIWYG editor,
    // obtain the edited version, and create a new EditableDocument from it
    const editedHtmlContent = originalHtmlContent; // For demonstration purposes

    const afterEdit = groupdocsEditor.EditableDocument.fromMarkup(editedHtmlContent, null);

    // Ensure 2 images are still present
    console.log('Number of images after edit:', afterEdit.getImages().length);
    console.log('First image type after edit:', afterEdit.getImages()[0].getType().getFileExtension());
    console.log('Second image type after edit:', afterEdit.getImages()[1].getType().getFileExtension());

    // Save to DOCX, for example
    const saveOptions = new groupdocsEditor.WordProcessingSaveOptions(groupdocsEditor.WordProcessingFormats.Docx);
    const outputDocxPath = path.join('root', `Output.${saveOptions.getOutputFormat().getExtension()}`);

    editor.save(afterEdit, outputDocxPath, saveOptions);

    // Dispose of resources

// Call the function

In this example, there is a user-created MdImageLoader class. It is initialized with the images folder path, and in the processImage method, the file content is read and provided to the MarkdownImageLoadArgs object through the setData() method.


GroupDocs.Editor also supports saving into the Markdown format. Like for any other format, to save into Markdown you must create an instance of the MarkdownSaveOptions class and specify it in the editor.save() method.

If the document intended for saving in Markdown format has images, they should be handled in a way similar to that described above. But there is no callback for saving the images here. Instead, you have three choices:

  1. Ignore images: They will be absent in the output.
  2. Save images inside the Markdown code: Images will be stored in base64 encoding within the Markdown document.
  3. Save images as separate files: Images are saved in the specified folder, and the Markdown code contains references to these image files.

To do this, the MarkdownSaveOptions class has several properties:

  • setExportImagesAsBase64(boolean value): If set to true, the content of the images will be embedded inside the output Markdown as base64. If this flag is set to true, it has the highest priority, and the setImagesFolder() property is ignored.
  • setImagesFolder(String path): Specifies the path to the folder where images should be saved. This property works when setExportImagesAsBase64(false) is set.

The example below shows opening an input DOCX file for editing and saving it into three different Markdown output files, each with its own saving properties.

// Import necessary modules
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const groupdocsEditor = require('groupdocs-editor');

const filename = 'SampleDoc.docx';
const inputPath = path.join('some-path', filename);

const outputFolder = 'path/to/output/folder';

const outputMdEmbeddedFilePath = path.join(outputFolder, 'Output_Markdown_Embedded.md');
const outputMdExternalFilePath = path.join(outputFolder, 'Output_Markdown_External.md');
const outputMdAbsentFilePath = path.join(outputFolder, 'Output_Markdown_Absent.md');

const editor = new groupdocsEditor.Editor(inputPath);
const beforeEdit = editor.edit();
// Send content to client-side WYSIWYG editor, edit it there, send back to server-side
const afterEdit = groupdocsEditor.EditableDocument.fromMarkup(beforeEdit.getEmbeddedHtml(), null);

// Saving to "embedded" version, where all images are embedded in MD with base64 encoding
    const mdSaveOptionsEmbedded = new groupdocsEditor.MarkdownSaveOptions();
    editor.save(afterEdit, outputMdEmbeddedFilePath, mdSaveOptionsEmbedded);

// Saving to "external" version, where images are stored as separate files, and MD contains links to these files
    const mdSaveOptionsExternal = new groupdocsEditor.MarkdownSaveOptions();
    editor.save(afterEdit, outputMdExternalFilePath, mdSaveOptionsExternal);

// Saving to "absent" version, where images are skipped and not present in MD
    const mdSaveOptionsAbsent = new groupdocsEditor.MarkdownSaveOptions();
    // Using an in-memory buffer to avoid saving images
    const outputMdAbsentTemp = [];
    editor.save(afterEdit, (data) => outputMdAbsentTemp.push(data), mdSaveOptionsAbsent);
    const outputMdAbsentContent = Buffer.concat(outputMdAbsentTemp);
    fs.writeFileSync(outputMdAbsentFilePath, outputMdAbsentContent);

// Dispose of resources

In this example, for the “absent” version, the document content is saved to an in-memory buffer and then written to a file. This approach avoids GroupDocs.Editor’s default behavior of saving images when a file stream is provided.


Because the Markdown format is supported on import and export, it is possible to perform a roundtrip scenario with it—open a Markdown file for editing, edit it, and then save the edited version to the Markdown format again. The example below demonstrates such a scenario.

// Import necessary modules
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const groupdocsEditor = require('groupdocs-editor');

// Define the custom image loader class
class MdImageLoader {
    constructor(imagesFolder) {
        this.imagesFolder = imagesFolder;

    // Implement the processImage method
    processImage(args) {
        const imagePath = path.join(this.imagesFolder, path.basename(args.getImageFileName()));
        const imageData = fs.readFileSync(imagePath);
        return groupdocsEditor.MarkdownImageLoadingAction.UserProvided;

function markdownRoundtrip() {
    const inputFolderPath = 'path/to/input/folder';
    const outputFolder = 'path/to/output/folder';
    const outputMdPath = path.join(outputFolder, 'Output.md');

    const filename = 'ComplexImage.md';
    const inputPath = path.join(inputFolderPath, filename);

    const editOptions = new groupdocsEditor.MarkdownEditOptions();
    editOptions.setImageLoadCallback(new MdImageLoader(inputFolderPath));

    const saveOptions = new groupdocsEditor.MarkdownSaveOptions();

    const editor = new groupdocsEditor.Editor(inputPath);

    const doc = editor.edit(editOptions);

    console.log('Number of images:', doc.getImages().length);

    // Edit 'doc' in WYSIWYG editor and obtain its edited version
    // For demonstration, we use the same document
    const editedDoc = doc;

    editor.save(editedDoc, outputMdPath, saveOptions);

    // Dispose of resources

// Call the function

In this example, we perform a roundtrip: we load a Markdown document with images, edit it, and save it back to Markdown format, ensuring that images are correctly handled.

By following this guide, you can effectively edit Markdown documents using GroupDocs.Editor for Node.js via Java, customizing the editing process according to your specific needs.

Note: Be sure to replace the paths in the code examples with the actual paths on your system.

For more examples and detailed information, you can refer to the GroupDocs.Editor for Node.js via Java Examples repository on GitHub.