Edit Email

This example demonstrates the standard open-edit-save pipeline with Email documents, using different options at every step.


There are plenty of them because almost every email program uses its own set of such formats.

From its emergence, GroupDocs.Editor for Node.js via Java had no support for editing such documents in Email formats. But starting from version 22.9, we finally released this capability! This article explains in detail how to edit different Email files because, due to their nature, their editing differs from editing common text documents.


Loading Email documents is straightforward and the same as for other formats. Like with text, XPS, and eBook formats, and unlike the PDF and Office formats, there are no loading options for Email documents—just specify a path to the file or a byte stream with the document content in the constructor of the Editor class, and that’s all.

The code example below demonstrates loading a single EML file into the Editor instance through the file path and byte stream.

// Import necessary modules
const fs = require('fs');
const groupdocsEditor = require('groupdocs-editor');

// Path to the EML file
const emlFilePath = "C:\\Attachments.eml";

// Load from file path
const editorFromPath = new groupdocsEditor.Editor(emlFilePath);

// Load from stream
const emlStream = fs.createReadStream(emlFilePath);
const editorFromStream = new groupdocsEditor.Editor(emlStream);

// Now you can work with the editor instances
// ...

// Don't forget to dispose of the editors when done


Like for all other formats, there is a special EmailEditOptions class for adjusting the editing of Email documents. An instance of this class should be specified in the editor.edit(editOptions) method. And, like for all other formats, it is possible to use a parameterless overload of the editor.edit() method—in this case, if an Email document was loaded into the Editor instance, GroupDocs.Editor will automatically apply the default EmailEditOptions.

The EmailEditOptions class has one member—a mailMessageOutput property of the MailMessageOutput type. MailMessageOutput is a flagged enumeration that controls which parts of the mail message should be delivered to the output EditableDocument and then to the emitted HTML. The MailMessageOutput enum has both atomic values that are responsible for a single part of the mail message, as well as combined values, like Common and All. It is allowed to use not only these combined values but any user-defined combination of atomic values. For example, it is possible to create a combination of Subject | Date | To | Cc | Bcc | From, which processes only metadata but not the body and attachments list.

It is important to mention that currently, GroupDocs.Editor cannot process the content of attachments; it can only display a list of attachment names. So the MailMessageOutput.Attachments flag, when specified, emits a list of attachment names if they are present in the mail message.

The code example below shows adjusting the MailMessageOutput and generating two different EditableDocument instances for editing from a single input Email document.

// Import necessary modules
const fs = require('fs');
const groupdocsEditor = require('groupdocs-editor');

// Prepare a sample file
const emlFilePath = "C:\\Attachments.eml";

// Load into the Editor class
const editor = new groupdocsEditor.Editor(emlFilePath);

// Create 1st edit options with only metadata
const editOptionsMetadata = new groupdocsEditor.EmailEditOptions();
    groupdocsEditor.MailMessageOutput.Subject |
    groupdocsEditor.MailMessageOutput.From |
    groupdocsEditor.MailMessageOutput.To |
    groupdocsEditor.MailMessageOutput.Cc |
    groupdocsEditor.MailMessageOutput.Bcc |

// Create 2nd edit options with only subject, body, and attachments list
const editOptionsBody = new groupdocsEditor.EmailEditOptions();
    groupdocsEditor.MailMessageOutput.Subject |
    groupdocsEditor.MailMessageOutput.Body |

// Generate two different EditableDocument instances from a single input "Attachments.eml"
const onlyMetadata = editor.edit(editOptionsMetadata);
const onlyBody = editor.edit(editOptionsBody);

// Now you can work with the EditableDocument instances
// ...

// Don't forget to dispose of the editor and EditableDocuments when done


Saving the edited Email documents generally follows the same principles as for other document formats but with some distinctions. As usual, after obtaining edited HTML content from the client-side WYSIWYG editor, an instance of the EditableDocument should be created, and then it needs to be passed to the editor.save() method.

Like for all other formats, during saving, along with the EditableDocument and a path or a stream, an inheritor of the SaveOptions interface should be specified. For Email documents, it is the EmailSaveOptions class. Like the previously described EmailEditOptions, this class has one member—a mailMessageOutput property of the MailMessageOutput type. The only distinction between this mailMessageOutput property in EmailEditOptions and EmailSaveOptions is that in the first case, the mailMessageOutput property controls which parts of the mail message will be processed while generating EditableDocument from the input Email file, while in the second case, the mailMessageOutput property controls which parts of the mail message will be processed while generating the output Email file from the EditableDocument obtained after editing. So it is possible, for example, to send to the WYSIWYG editor a full mail message with 100% of all content but generate an output file only with the Subject and Body content.

The Email format family consists of many different formats, but the EmailSaveOptions does not allow specifying the format for the output document—it will automatically be the same as the format of the original Email document loaded into the Editor class. So, for example, if you loaded an MSG file, then the editor.save() method will also generate an MSG file, no matter which file extension you specify.

The code example below shows the full load-edit-save pipeline for Email documents. It loads a document, makes it editable with MailMessageOutput.All combined flag, and then generates two output Email documents: the first one is saved to a file with MailMessageOutput.Common, while the second is saved to a stream with a custom combined flag.

// Import necessary modules
const fs = require('fs');
const groupdocsEditor = require('groupdocs-editor');

// Prepare a sample file
const msgInputPath = "C:\\ComplexExample.msg";

// Load into the Editor class
const msgEditor = new groupdocsEditor.Editor(msgInputPath);

// Create edit options with all content
const editOptions = new groupdocsEditor.EmailEditOptions();

// Generate an editable document
const originalDoc = msgEditor.edit(editOptions);

// Emit HTML from EditableDocument, send it to the client-side, edit it there in WYSIWYG editor (omitted here)
const savedHtmlContent = originalDoc.getEmbeddedHtml();

// Assume the edited content is obtained from the client-side and stored in 'editedHtmlContent' (omitted here)
const editedHtmlContent = savedHtmlContent; // For demonstration purposes

// Obtain edited content and generate a new EditableDocument from it
const editedDoc = groupdocsEditor.EditableDocument.fromMarkup(editedHtmlContent, null);

// Create 1st save options
const saveOptions1 = new groupdocsEditor.EmailSaveOptions();

// Create 2nd save options
const saveOptions2 = new groupdocsEditor.EmailSaveOptions();
    groupdocsEditor.MailMessageOutput.Body |

// Generate and save 1st output MSG to the file
const outputMsgPath = "C:\\OutputFile.msg";
msgEditor.save(editedDoc, outputMsgPath, saveOptions1);

// Generate and save 2nd output MSG to the stream
const outputMsgStream = fs.createWriteStream("C:\\OutputStream.msg");
msgEditor.save(editedDoc, outputMsgStream, saveOptions2);

// Dispose of all resources

Obtaining Email Document Info

The article Extracting Document Metainfo describes the getDocumentInfo() method, which allows detecting the document format and extracting its metadata without editing it. After adding Email support to GroupDocs.Editor, this mechanism also works with Email documents.

When the getDocumentInfo() method is called for the Editor instance that is loaded with an Email document, the method will return an instance of the EmailDocumentInfo class—it is a common class for all Email formats like EML, EMLX, MSG, and so on.

As all IDocumentInfo implementations, it has four properties:

  1. getFormat(): Property of EmailFormats type. It indicates the specific format of the given Email document.
  2. getPageCount(): Property of int type. It always returns 1 because Email documents don’t have a paged view.
  3. getSize(): Property of long type. Returns the file size in bytes.
  4. isEncrypted(): Property of boolean type. Because Email documents cannot be encrypted with a password, this property always returns false.

The code example below demonstrates extracting document info from three different Email documents of different formats.

// Import necessary modules
const fs = require('fs');
const groupdocsEditor = require('groupdocs-editor');

// Paths to the Email documents
const emlInputPath = "C:\\Attachments.eml";
const msgInputPath = "C:\\ComplexExample.msg";
const pstInputPath = "C:\\PersonalStorage.pst";

// Load into the Editor class
const emlEditor = new groupdocsEditor.Editor(emlInputPath);
const msgEditor = new groupdocsEditor.Editor(msgInputPath);
const pstEditor = new groupdocsEditor.Editor(pstInputPath);

// Get document info
const emlDocInfo = emlEditor.getDocumentInfo();
const msgDocInfo = msgEditor.getDocumentInfo();
const pstDocInfo = pstEditor.getDocumentInfo();

// Check if the returned info is of type EmailDocumentInfo
console.log(emlDocInfo instanceof groupdocsEditor.EmailDocumentInfo); // true
console.log(msgDocInfo instanceof groupdocsEditor.EmailDocumentInfo); // true
console.log(pstDocInfo instanceof groupdocsEditor.EmailDocumentInfo); // true

// Verify the formats
console.log(emlDocInfo.getFormat() === groupdocsEditor.EmailFormats.Eml); // true
console.log(msgDocInfo.getFormat() === groupdocsEditor.EmailFormats.Msg); // true
console.log(pstDocInfo.getFormat() === groupdocsEditor.EmailFormats.Pst); // true

// Dispose of the editors


By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively edit Email documents using GroupDocs.Editor for Node.js via Java. The process involves loading the Email document, configuring editing options to specify which parts of the email to edit, editing the content using a WYSIWYG HTML editor, and finally saving the edited content back into an Email format.

This capability is particularly useful for applications that require programmatic manipulation of Email messages, such as email automation systems, archiving solutions, or custom email clients.

For more examples and detailed information, you can refer to the GroupDocs.Editor for Node.js via Java Examples repository on GitHub.