Create EditableDocument from File or Markup

This demonstration shows how to create an instance of the EditableDocument class from HTML files on disk or from HTML markup with resources in Node.js via Java.


When working with GroupDocs.Editor in the usual way by loading, opening, editing, and saving documents, instances of the EditableDocument class are produced by the editor.edit() method and accepted by the method. However, in some cases, it is required to create an EditableDocument instance from existing HTML markup with optional resources.

For example, a document was loaded into the Editor class, opened for editing, and then the EditableDocument was saved to disk as a set of HTML files and connected resources. Then this HTML document was passed to a WYSIWYG editor, edited, and saved back to disk as modified HTML. Or the raw output from the WYSIWYG editor was saved to a string variable. To save it to some final format like DOCX or XLSX, you need to pass the document to the method in the form of an EditableDocument instance. This means you should create an instance of the EditableDocument class manually.

The EditableDocument class contains three public static methods for creating its instances:

  • fromFile()
  • fromMarkup()
  • fromBodyMarkupAndResourceFolder()

This article reviews all of them.

Opening from File

Let’s suppose that we have an HTML file with edited document content saved on disk. There is also a folder with resources (images, fonts, stylesheets) that are used by this document, and the document has correct links to these resources.

Let’s say the HTML document is named “document.html” and is located in the “input” folder. The resource folder is located in the same “input” folder and is named “document_resources”. Importantly, the HTML markup from “document.html” has proper links to files from the “document_resources” folder. For example, there will be:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="document_resources/style.css" />

in the “document.html”, and the “document_resources” folder actually contains the “style.css” file.

In that case, creating the EditableDocument instance is straightforward:

// Import the necessary modules
const groupdocsEditor = require('groupdocs-editor');

// Specify the input HTML file path
const inputHtmlPath = 'C://input//document.html';

// Create an EditableDocument from the file
const editableDocument = groupdocsEditor.EditableDocument.fromFile(inputHtmlPath);

The fromFile() method accepts two parameters:

  • The first is the path to the HTML file.
  • The second is the path to the resource folder (optional).

If the HTML file contains correct links, as described above, the second parameter is not necessary; GroupDocs.Editor will scan the links and automatically find the resource folder and correct resources. However, if the path to the resource folder doesn’t match the links in the HTML file, it is possible to specify a resource folder forcibly, as illustrated below:

// Specify the input HTML file and resource folder paths
const inputHtmlPath = 'C://input//document.html';
const inputResourceFolderPath = 'C://input//document_resources/';

// Create an EditableDocument from the file and resource folder
const editableDocument = groupdocsEditor.EditableDocument.fromFile(inputHtmlPath, inputResourceFolderPath);

If the HTML file contains a link to a resource that is not present in the resource folder, it will be omitted.

Opening from Markup

In some cases, the edited HTML document is not present as a file. It may be stored in a database, obtained from remote storage, or something else. In such cases, the EditableDocument class provides the fromMarkup() method. This method has two parameters:

  • newHtmlContent: A string that contains raw HTML markup. This parameter is mandatory.
  • resources: An array of prepared resources (images, fonts, stylesheets) that are used or may be used in the HTML document. You need to prepare this collection yourself. This parameter is optional; you may pass an empty array. As with the previous method, if the HTML markup refers to a resource that is not found in the “resources” collection, it will be skipped (omitted).

The code example below demonstrates this approach:

// Import the necessary modules
const groupdocsEditor = require('groupdocs-editor');

// The HTML markup as a string
const inputHtmlMarkup = '<html><head><title>Edited document</title></head><body>...</body></html>';

// Prepare resources
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');

// Assuming you have the resources as files or in memory
const image1Content = fs.readFileSync('path/to/image1.jpg');
const image2Content = fs.readFileSync('path/to/image2.png');
const stylesheetContent = 'p { color: black; text-align: left; } ...';

// Create resource instances
const image1 = new groupdocsEditor.JpegImage('image1.jpg', image1Content);
const image2 = new groupdocsEditor.PngImage('image2.png', image2Content);
const stylesheet = new groupdocsEditor.CssText('stylesheet.css', stylesheetContent, 'UTF-8');

// Add resources to an array
const allResources = [image1, image2, stylesheet];

// Create an EditableDocument from the markup and resources
const editableDocument = groupdocsEditor.EditableDocument.fromMarkup(inputHtmlMarkup, allResources);

Opening from Inner BODY HTML Content and Resource Folder

All previously described methods of creating instances of the EditableDocument class assume that both the HTML file or string with HTML markup contains a valid, well-formed HTML document according to all W3C requirements. Such a document should contain an HTML Document Definition (DOCTYPE) and a root <html> element that, in turn, has two and only two children: <head> (with document meta-information) and <body> (with document content). All stylesheets are included and/or embedded in the <head> element (<link> and/or <style> elements, respectively), and are ‘used by’ content markup (by using class and id attributes, in most cases).

However, most client-side WYSIWYG HTML editors like TinyMCE and CKEditor work only with the inner content of the <body> element: they can obtain only such markup on input and produce such markup on output. External stylesheets are usually included in the HTML editor settings or somewhere else, but not through HTML markup (except for the inline styles in the style attribute).

To pass HTML <body> markup into the HTML editor, there is a getBodyContent() method, which returns the inner content of the HTML <body> element. Conversely, to obtain HTML markup from the HTML editor and create a new EditableDocument instance with this markup, the fromBodyMarkupAndResourceFolder() method is used. This method obtains two mandatory parameters:

  • htmlBodyContent: A string that contains raw HTML markup located inside the <body> element (between <body> and </body> tags, without these opening/closing tags themselves). This should be valid markup.
  • resourceFolderPath: A string that contains the full path to the folder with all external resources for the opening document. If the folder doesn’t exist, an exception will be thrown.

Because inner <body> markup doesn’t contain stylesheets (neither included nor embedded), these stylesheets should be referenced in another way. To obtain them, the second parameter exists; you should specify a full path to the folder that contains images, fonts, and stylesheets used by the HTML document specified in the first parameter. GroupDocs.Editor scans this folder, finds .css files, opens them, parses their content, and if this content is valid, applies these stylesheets to the document. If a stylesheet references external images and/or fonts, GroupDocs.Editor will try to find these resources in this resource folder too. Also, if the HTML markup specified in the first parameter contains external images referenced using an <img> element, GroupDocs.Editor will try to find these images in this resource folder too. In other words, the fromBodyMarkupAndResourceFolder() method “assumes” that the resource folder contains resources for that specific HTML document, whose inner <body> content was specified in the first parameter.

Here’s how you can use this method:

// Import the necessary modules
const groupdocsEditor = require('groupdocs-editor');

// The inner BODY HTML content as a string (without <body> tags)
const htmlBodyContent = '<p>This is the edited content...</p>';

// Specify the resource folder path
const resourceFolderPath = 'C://input//document_resources/';

// Create an EditableDocument from body markup and resource folder
const editableDocument = groupdocsEditor.EditableDocument.fromBodyMarkupAndResourceFolder(htmlBodyContent, resourceFolderPath);

By using these methods, you can create EditableDocument instances from different sources, enabling you to save the edited content back to the desired output format using the method.

Note: In this guide, we replaced any links to previous versions with “20.6” as per your instruction. The fromBodyMarkupAndResourceFolder() method was introduced in the 20.6 version of GroupDocs.Editor for Node.js via Java.

By following this guide, you can effectively create EditableDocument instances from HTML files or markup, which allows you to save edited documents back to various formats using GroupDocs.Editor for Node.js via Java.

For more examples and detailed information, you can refer to the GroupDocs.Editor for Node.js via Java Examples repository on GitHub.