Migration Notes

Why To Migrate?

Here are the key reasons to use the new updated API provided by GroupDocs.Editor for Java since version 20.8:

  • Editor class introduced as a single entry point to manage the document editing process to any supported file format (instead of EditorHander class from previous versions).
  • Product architecture was redesigned from scratch in order to decreased memory usage (from 10% to 400% approx. depending on document type).
  • Document editing and saving options simplified so it’s easy to instantiate proper options class and control over document editing and saving processes.

How To Migrate?

Here is a brief comparison of how to edit document in HTML form using old and new API.

Old coding style

InputStream sourceStream = new FileInputStream("C:\\sample.docx");

try {
    InputHtmlDocument htmlDoc = EditorHandler.toHtml(sourceStream);
    // Obtain HTML document content
    String htmlContent = htmlDoc.getContent();
    // Edit html in WYSIWYG-editor...
    // ...
    // Save edited html to original document format
    OutputHtmlDocument editedHtmlDoc = OutputHtmlDocument.fromMarkup(htmlContent, CommonUtilities.sourcePath + CommonUtilities.sourceResourcesFolder);
    WordsSaveOptions saveOptions = new WordsSaveOptions();
    OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream("C:\\output\\edited.docx");
    EditorHandler.toDocument(editedHtmlDoc, outputStream, saveOptions);
} catch (Exception ex){

// close stream object to release file for other methods.

New coding style

String documentPath = "C://sample.docx";
try {
    Editor editor = new Editor(documentPath);

    // Obtain editable document from original DOCX document
    EditableDocument editableDocument = editor.edit();
    String htmlContent = editableDocument.getEmbeddedHtml();
    // Pass htmlContent to WYSIWYG editor and edit there...
    // ...

    // Save edited EditableDocument object to some WordProcessing format - DOC for example
    WordProcessingSaveOptions saveOptions = new WordProcessingSaveOptions(WordProcessingFormats.Docx);
    editor.save(editableDocument, "C:\\output\\edited.docx", saveOptions);

} catch (Exception ex) {

For more code examples and specific use cases please refer to our Developer Guide documentation or GitHub samples and showcases.