Edit Excel Spreadsheet

This demonstration shows and explains all necessary moments and options regarding processing the Spreadsheet documents.


Spreadsheet documents are presented by many formats: XLS, XLSX, XLSM, XLSB, ODS, SXC and other, which are supported by GroupDocs.Editor. There are separate load options, edit options and save options for all Spreadsheet documents. Please note that GroupDocs.Editor distinguish Spreadsheet documents from textual Delimiter-Separated documents (DSV) like CSV, TSV, semicolon-separated, whitespace-separated and so on. Such document types have a distinct set of options and are not reviewed in this article.

Spreadsheet documents have one critically important distinction compared to WordProcessing or textual documents — they have tabs (also called worksheets) instead of pages, and these tabs are separate and independent from each other. Tabs have no valid and correct representation in HTML markup. This means that WYSIWYG HTML-editors don’t allow to edit multi-tabbed spreadsheet at one moment, — it is allowed to edit only one tab per time. Save edited tab, and only then switch to another one. Because GroupDocs.Editor is designed for editing documents on client-side, it should be consistent with such approach. As a result, multi-tabbed Spreadsheet document can be loaded to the Editor class, but EditableDocument instance stores a content of only one tab. In other words, user loads multi-tabbed spreadsheet to the Editor class, but for editing two tabs, for example, he should call the Editor.edit() method two times: first one for the first tab and second invoke for the second tab. As a result, with these two calls user obtains two EditableDocument instances — first one contains first tab, and the second one — second.

As WordProcessing documents, Spreadsheet documents can have password-protection and can be protected from editing; GroupDocs.Editor supports all these features.

Loading Spreadsheet documents

In order to load spreadsheet to the Editor class, user should use the SpreadsheetLoadOptions class. It is not necessary in some general cases — even without SpreadsheetLoadOptions the GroupDocs.Editor is able to recognize spreadsheet format and apply appropriate default load options automatically. But when spreadsheet is encoded, the SpreadsheetLoadOptions is the only way to set a password and load the document properly. Example below shows such situation: loading the password-protected spreadsheet:

String inputXlsxPath = "C://input//spreadsheet.xlsx";
SpreadsheetLoadOptions loadOptions = new SpreadsheetLoadOptions();
Editor editor = new Editor(inputXlsxPath, loadOptions);

There can be several scenarios here:

  1. If password is specified, but document is not password-protected, the password will be ignored.
  2. If document is password-protected, but password is not specified, the PasswordRequiredException will be thrown later during editing.
  3. If document is password-protected,and password is specified, but is incorrect, the IncorrectPasswordException will be thrown later during editing.

Editing Spreadsheet documents

SpreadsheetEditOptions should be used for editing Spreadsheet documents. If parameterless overload of the Editor.edit() method is used, the first tab will be opened for editing. SpreadsheetEditOptions allows to specify the tab for opening by 0-based index and a boolean flag that indicates whether it is necessary to process hidden worksheets. This is demonstrated below:

SpreadsheetEditOptions editOptions1 = new SpreadsheetEditOptions();
editOptions1.setWorksheetIndex(0); //index is 0-based, so this is 1st tab

SpreadsheetEditOptions editOptions2 = new SpreadsheetEditOptions();
editOptions2.setWorksheetIndex(1); //index is 0-based, so this is 2nd tab

EditableDocument firstTab = editor.edit(editOptions1);
EditableDocument secondTab = editor.edit(editOptions2);

Saving Spreadsheet documents

SpreadsheetSaveOptions class is designed for saving the Spreadsheet documents. Its constructor contains one mandatory parameter: document type, that is represented by the SpreadsheetFormats struct. With this option class user can also specify password; in such case output document will be encoded. Another possibility — to set the write protection for the document, also with the password. All these features are shown in the code below:

SpreadsheetSaveOptions saveOptions = new SpreadsheetSaveOptions(SpreadsheetFormats.Xlsm);
saveOptions.setPassword("new password");
saveOptions.setWorksheetProtection(new WorksheetProtection(WorksheetProtectionType.All, "write password"));

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