Working with slide backgrounds

The API allows you to extract information about all the slide backgrounds, Removing a particular background and Adding watermark to all background images

Extracting information about all slide backgrounds

The API allows you to extract information about all the slide backgrounds in a PowerPoint document as shown in the following code sample using property BackgroundImage of PresentationSlide.ImageFillFormat.


PresentationLoadOptions loadOptions = new PresentationLoadOptions();
// Specify an absolute or relative path to your document. Ex: @"C:\Docs\presentation.pptx"
using (Watermarker watermarker = new Watermarker("presentation.pptx", loadOptions))
    PresentationContent content = watermarker.GetContent<PresentationContent>();
    foreach (PresentationSlide slide in content.Slides)
        if (slide.ImageFillFormat.BackgroundImage != null)

Removing a particular background

Following code sample shows how to remove the background image of a particular slide setting the property BackgroundImage to null.


PresentationLoadOptions loadOptions = new PresentationLoadOptions();
// Specify an absolute or relative path to your document. Ex: @"C:\Docs\presentation.pptx"
using (Watermarker watermarker = new Watermarker("presentation.pptx", loadOptions))
    PresentationContent content = watermarker.GetContent<PresentationContent>();
    content.Slides[0].ImageFillFormat.BackgroundImage = null;


Adding watermark to all background images

Using GroupDocs.Watermark, you can also add watermark to the background images that belong to a PowerPoint document as shown in the following code sample.


PresentationLoadOptions loadOptions = new PresentationLoadOptions();
// Specify an absolute or relative path to your document. Ex: @"C:\Docs\presentation.pptx"
using (Watermarker watermarker = new Watermarker("presentation.pptx", loadOptions))
    // Initialize image or text watermark
    TextWatermark watermark = new TextWatermark("Protected image", new Font("Arial", 8));
    watermark.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
    watermark.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
    watermark.RotateAngle = 45;
    watermark.SizingType = SizingType.ScaleToParentDimensions;
    watermark.ScaleFactor = 1;

    PresentationContent content = watermarker.GetContent<PresentationContent>();
    foreach (PresentationSlide slide in content.Slides)
        if (slide.ImageFillFormat.BackgroundImage != null)
            // Add watermark to the image


Additional settings for slide background image

GroupDocs.Watermark for .NET also provides the feature that allows you to tile the picture across slide’s background. You can also make the image semi-transparent. Following code sample serves this purpose.


PresentationLoadOptions loadOptions = new PresentationLoadOptions();
// Specify an absolute or relative path to your document. Ex: @"C:\Docs\presentation.pptx"
using (Watermarker watermarker = new Watermarker("presentation.pptx", loadOptions))
    PresentationContent content = watermarker.GetContent<PresentationContent>();
    PresentationSlide slide = content.Slides[0];
    slide.ImageFillFormat.BackgroundImage = 
        new PresentationWatermarkableImage(File.ReadAllBytes("background.png"));
    slide.ImageFillFormat.TileAsTexture = true;
    slide.ImageFillFormat.Transparency = 0.5;


Settings background image for charts

GroupDocs.Watermark for .NET also allows you to set the background image for a chart inside PowerPoint document using Charts property. You can use following code sample to achieve this functionality.


PresentationLoadOptions loadOptions = new PresentationLoadOptions();
// Specify an absolute or relative path to your document. Ex: @"C:\Docs\presentation.pptx"
using (Watermarker watermarker = new Watermarker("presentation.pptx", loadOptions))
    PresentationContent content = watermarker.GetContent<PresentationContent>();
    content.Slides[0].Charts[0].ImageFillFormat.BackgroundImage = 
        new PresentationWatermarkableImage(File.ReadAllBytes("test.png"));
    content.Slides[0].Charts[0].ImageFillFormat.Transparency = 0.5;
    content.Slides[0].Charts[0].ImageFillFormat.TileAsTexture = true;


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