The constructors Watermarker(String) and Watermarker(Stream) can load a document of any supported format. When you’re loading a document, GroupDocs.Watermark automatically detects its type and creates an instance of the appropriate class. If document format is not supported, constructor throws UnsupportedFileTypeException. If you need specify the format of a document to load, you can use constructors with LoadOptions parameter.
The following example demonstrates how to create a watermarker for the Spreadsheet document:
// Specify an absolute or relative path to your document. Ex: @"C:\Docs\spreadsheet.xlsx"stringfilePath="spreadsheet.xlsx";SpreadsheetLoadOptionsloadOptions=newSpreadsheetLoadOptions();using(Watermarkerwatermarker=newWatermarker(filePath,loadOptions)){// use watermarker methods to manage watermarks in the Spreadsheet documentTextWatermarkwatermark=newTextWatermark("Test watermark",newFont("Arial",12));watermarker.Add(watermark);watermarker.Save("spreadsheet.xlsx");}
Any supported format family has the specific LoadOptions descendant: