Sign document with XAdES Digital signature
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This feature is supported only for Spreadsheet document types
GroupDocs.Signatureย providesย DigitalSignOptionsย classย to specify different amount of settings for Digital signature same as property XAdES of XAdES enumeration type. This property specifies the implementation of XAdES format for Spreadsheet documents only (for now).
Here are the steps to add XAdES type signature into document with GroupDocs.Signature:
Create new instance ofย Signatureย class and pass source document path as a constructor parameter.
Instantiate theย DigitalSignOptionsย object with required certificate and its password.
Analyzeย SignResultย result to check newly created signatures if needed.
This example shows how to add Digital signature to document.ย Seeย SignResult
using(Signaturesignature=newSignature("sample.xlsx")){DigitalSignOptionsoptions=newDigitalSignOptions("certificate.pfx"){// set XAdES typeXAdESType=XAdESType.XAdES,// certificate passwordPassword="1234567890",// digital certificate detailsReason="Sign",Contact="JohnSmith",Location="Office1"};SignResultsignResult=signature.Sign(outputFilePath,options);}
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GitHub Examples
You may easily run the code above and see the feature in action in ourย GitHub examples: