GroupDocs.Signature for .NET 17.10 Release Notes

Major Features

There are about 15 improvements, new features and fixes in this regular release. The most notable are:

  • Implemented support of Tiff multi frames image format for Signature processing with ability to specify pages to sign
  • Added new alignment option to stretch Signature area along page width or height
  • Introduced ability to export signed documents to image formats with advanced options for output image file generation
  • Implemented support of multi frames image documents verification
  • Updated Save Options with properties to export documents to multi frames images formats
  • Extended Digital Words Signature appearance to support alternative Signature Lines area on document page
  • Extended Digital Cells Signature appearance to support alternative Signature Lines area on document page
  • Fixed saving issues with Digital Signature processing for PDF Documents
  • Updated signature process with corrected error messages, comments of classes and members

Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release

KeySummaryIssue Type
SIGNATURENET-3078Implement ability to verify separate pages of multi-page tiff imagesNew Feature
SIGNATURENET-3073Implement ability to process separate pages for multi-page tiff imagesNew Feature
SIGNATURENET-3070Add ability to export signed Document to multi pages Tiff formatNew Feature
SIGNATURENET-3063Implement ability to use Signature Line for digital signature in Cells DocumentsNew Feature
SIGNATURENET-3060Implement ability to use Signature Line for digital signature in Words DocumentsNew Feature
SIGNATURENET-3052Implement ability to stretch Signature Area along Document Width or HeightNew Feature
SIGNATURENET-3050Implement ability to save signed Words document to image formatNew Feature
SIGNATURENET-3049Implement ability to save signed Slides presentation to image formatNew Feature
SIGNATURENET-3048Implement ability to save signed PDF document to image formatNew Feature
SIGNATURENET-3047Implement ability to save signed Cells Workbook to image formatNew Feature
SIGNATURENET-3025Update Digital Signature implementation for Words DocumentsImprovement
SIGNATURENET-3023Pdf Documents - error on Digital Signing when output Save format is not PdfBug
SIGNATURENET-3022Destination document is empty when Digital Certificate Holder is not loadedBug
SIGNATURENET-2961Incorrect digital signing with doc and docx save optionsBug

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

  1. Added new enumeration type StretchMode with values that specify different options to stretch Signature Area across page width, height or both.

StretchMode enumeration

public enum StretchMode
        /// <summary>Default value. No stretch mode will be applied.</summary>
        None = 0,
        /// <summary>Stratch Signature area along page Width. Margin property will be used to apply required offfset values</summary>
        PageWidth = 1,
        /// <summary>Stratch Signature area along page Height. Margin property will be used to apply required offfset values.</summary>
        PageHeight = 2,
        /// <summary>Represents a dash-dot-dot line. Margin property will be used to apply required offfset values.</summary>
        PageArea = 3,

Interface IRectangle was updated with property** StretchMode Stretch { get; set; }**

All Signature classes that implement IRectangle interface were updated with this property supporting.
See example 
05. How to align Signature on Page

Specify different Stretch mode to locate Signature Area along page width or height

string storagePath = @"c:\Aspose\Test\Storage";
string outputPath = @"c:\Aspose\Test\Output";
string imagePath = @"c:\Aspose\Test\Images";
string certificatesPath = @"c:\Aspose\Test\Certificates";
// setup Signature configuration
SignatureConfig signConfig = new SignatureConfig
    StoragePath = storagePath,
    ImagesPath = imagePath,
    OutputPath = outputPath,
    CertificatesPath = certificatesPath
// instantiating the conversion handler
SignatureHandler handler = new SignatureHandler(signConfig);
// Specify Signature Options collection
SignatureOptionsCollection collection = new SignatureOptionsCollection();
// setup first text signature options
PdfSignTextOptions signTextOptions = new PdfSignTextOptions("Mr.John Smith", 0, 0, 50, 50);
// locate options at top of page along all page width with some margins
signTextOptions.Stretch = StretchMode.PageWidth;
signTextOptions.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
signTextOptions.Margin = new Padding(50);
signTextOptions.SignAllPages = true;
// add Options to collection
// setup second barcode signature options
PdfBarcodeSignOptions signBrcdOptions = new PdfBarcodeSignOptions("12345678",0,0,100,40);
signBrcdOptions.EncodeType = BarcodeTypes.Code39Standard;
// locate options at bottom of page along all width with some margins
signBrcdOptions.Stretch = StretchMode.PageWidth;
signBrcdOptions.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
signBrcdOptions.SignAllPages = true;
// add Options to collection
// setup third image signature options
var signImageOptions = new PdfSignImageOptions("300.png");
// locate options at right side of page along all height with some margins
signImageOptions.Stretch = StretchMode.PageHeight;
signImageOptions.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
signImageOptions.Margin = new Padding(5);
signImageOptions.SignAllPages = true;
// add Options to collection
// sign document
string signedPath = handler.Sign<string>("test.pdf", collection,
    new SaveOptions
        OutputType = OutputType.String,
        OutputFileName = "OtherOperations_StretchingOnDocumentPage"
Console.WriteLine("Signed file path is: " + signedPath);

2. Introduced new Signature appearance class DigitalSignatureAppearance. This class describes alternative Digital Signature appearance on Office documents (Words and Cells) as rectangle area with background images and horizontal lines with few additional messages

DigitalSignatureAppearance class

namespace GroupDocs.Signature.Options
    public sealed class DigitalSignatureAppearance : SignatureAppearance
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets or sets signer name for signature line.
        /// </summary>
        public string Signer { get; set; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets or sets a title for signature line.
        /// </summary>
        public string Title { get; set; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets or sets a email that will be displayed in signature line.
        /// </summary>
        public string Email { get; set; }

See examples 
Signing Words Documents with digital certificates
Signing Cells Documents with digital certificates

3. Added new Save Options class **ExportImageSaveOptions **for ability to save signed Documents to image formats. All Document Types support ability to save document as image. Save Options were extended with properties DocumentPageNumber, PagesSetup and SignAllPages to specify Pages for multi frames image formats like Tiff
See example
Export documents as image

Specify different Stretch mode to locate Signature Area along page width or height

string storagePath = @"c:\Aspose\Test\Storage";
string outputPath = @"c:\Aspose\Test\Output";
string imagePath = @"c:\Aspose\Test\Images";
string certificatesPath = @"c:\Aspose\Test\Certificates";
// setup Signature configuration
SignatureConfig signConfig = new SignatureConfig
	StoragePath = storagePath,
	ImagesPath = imagePath,
	OutputPath = outputPath,
	CertificatesPath = certificatesPath
// instantiating the conversion handler
SignatureHandler handler = new SignatureHandler(signConfig);
// Specify Signature Options collection
SignatureOptionsCollection collection = new SignatureOptionsCollection();
// setup first text signature options
PdfSignTextOptions signTextOptions = new PdfSignTextOptions("Mr.John Smith", 0, 0, 50, 50);
// locate options at top of page along all page width with some margins
signTextOptions.Stretch = StretchMode.PageWidth;
signTextOptions.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
signTextOptions.Margin = new Padding(50);
signTextOptions.SignAllPages = true;
// add Options to collection
// setup second barcode signature options
PdfBarcodeSignOptions signBrcdOptions = new PdfBarcodeSignOptions("12345678",0,0,100,40);
signBrcdOptions.EncodeType = BarcodeTypes.Code39Standard;
// locate options at bottom of page along all width with some margins
signBrcdOptions.Stretch = StretchMode.PageWidth;
signBrcdOptions.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
signBrcdOptions.SignAllPages = true;
// add Options to collection
// setup third image signature options
var signImageOptions = new PdfSignImageOptions("300.png");
// locate options at right side of page along all height with some margins
signImageOptions.Stretch = StretchMode.PageHeight;
signImageOptions.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
signImageOptions.Margin = new Padding(5);
signImageOptions.SignAllPages = true;
// add Options to collection
// sign document
string signedPath = handler.Sign<string>("test.pdf", collection,
	new SaveOptions
		OutputType = OutputType.String,
		OutputFileName = "OtherOperations_StretchingOnDocumentPage"
Console.WriteLine("Signed file path is: " + signedPath);

Digital signing Words Documents with Signature Line

// setup Signature configuration
SignatureConfig signConfig = new SignatureConfig
	StoragePath = @"c:\Aspose\Test\Storage",
	OutputPath = @"c:\Aspose\Test\Output",
	ImagesPath = @"c:\Aspose\Test\Images",
	CertificatesPath = @"c:\Aspose\Test\Certificates"
// instantiating the conversion handler
SignatureHandler handler = new SignatureHandler(signConfig);
// setup digital signature options with image appearance
WordsSignDigitalOptions signOptions =
	new WordsSignDigitalOptions(@"c:\Aspose\Test\Certificates\SherlockHolmes.pfx", "signature.jpg");
signOptions.Signature.Comments = "Test comment";
signOptions.Signature.SignTime = DateTime.Now;
signOptions.Password = "1234567890";
// Setup signature line appearance.
// This appearance will add Signature Line on the first page.
// Could be useful for .docx, .doc and .odt files.
signOptions.Appearance = new DigitalSignatureAppearance("John Smith", "Title", "");
// sign document
string signedPath = handler.Sign<string>("test.docx", signOptions,
	new SaveOptions { OutputType = OutputType.String, OutputFileName = "SignatureLineWords" });
Console.WriteLine("Signed file path is: " + signedPath);

Export Cells document as image

// setup Signature configuration
SignatureConfig signConfig = new SignatureConfig
	StoragePath = @"c:\Aspose\Test\Storage",
	OutputPath = @"c:\Aspose\Test\Output"
// instantiating the conversion handler
SignatureHandler handler = new SignatureHandler(signConfig);
// setup options with text of signature
CellsSignTextOptions signOptions = new CellsSignTextOptions("John Smith");
// text position
signOptions.RowNumber = 2;
signOptions.ColumnNumber = 2;
signOptions.SignAllPages = true;
			 //Export to image options
ExportImageSaveOptions exSaveOptions = new ExportImageSaveOptions(ImagesSaveFileFormat.Png);
exSaveOptions.OutputType = OutputType.String;
exSaveOptions.OutputFileName = "CellsExportAsImage";
//set pages border style
exSaveOptions.BorderColor = Color.Brown;
exSaveOptions.BorderWeight = 5;
exSaveOptions.BorderDashStyle = ExtendedDashStyle.ShortDash;
//export only odd pages
exSaveOptions.PagesSetup.OddPages = true;
//set number of columns in result image
exSaveOptions.PageColumns = 3;
// sign document
string signedPath = handler.Sign<string>("pages15.xlsx", signOptions, exSaveOptions);
Console.WriteLine("Signed file path is: " + signedPath);

Export Cells Document as multi-page Tiff image

// setup Signature configuration
SignatureConfig signConfig = new SignatureConfig
	StoragePath = @"c:\Aspose\Test\Storage",
	OutputPath = @"c:\Aspose\Test\Output"
// instantiating the conversion handler
SignatureHandler handler = new SignatureHandler(signConfig);
// setup options with text of signature
CellsSignTextOptions signOptions = new CellsSignTextOptions("John Smith");
// text position
signOptions.RowNumber = 2;
signOptions.ColumnNumber = 2;
signOptions.SignAllPages = true;
//Export to image options
ExportImageSaveOptions exSaveOptions = new ExportImageSaveOptions(ImagesSaveFileFormat.Tiff);
exSaveOptions.OutputType = OutputType.String;
exSaveOptions.OutputFileName = "CellsExportAsMultipageImage";
//export all pages
exSaveOptions.ExportAllPages = true;
//Create multi-page tiff image
exSaveOptions.TiffMultipage = true;
// sign document
string signedPath = handler.Sign<string>("pages15.xlsx", signOptions, exSaveOptions);
Console.WriteLine("Signed file path is: " + signedPath);