GroupDocs.Signature for Java 19.5 Release Notes

Major Features

There are few new features, improvements and bug fixes in this regular release. Summary the most notable changes are:

  • Added support of rounded corners for Stamp inner lines
  • Fixed Barcode and QR-code singing with wide borders for better recognition
  • Improved signatures options detection

Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release

KeySummaryIssue Type
SIGNATURENET-1856Fix Stamp generation processing for wide areasBug
SIGNATURENET-1851QR/Bar code with wide border cannot be readBug
SIGNATURENET-1786Implement Rounded corners for Rectangle Stamp Signature TypesNew Feature
SIGNATURENET-1871Improve Image Metadata type conversionImprovement
SIGNATURENET-1858Optimize Document options type detection for handler processes (Sign/Verify/Search)Improvement

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

  1. com.groupdocs.signature.domain.helpers.stamp.Corners

    New public class **Corners **was added to implement storage for square corners radius values. Zero value means no rounded corner.

    This class is able to contain data about four corners of square object.

    Corners class properties

     * <p>
     * Represents corners of a square graphical object.
     * </p>
    public class Corners implements ICloneable, Cloneable
         * <p>
         * Provides a Corners object with no data.
         * </p>
        public static final Corners Empty;
         * <p>
         * Gets or sets the value for all corners.
         * Changing of any partial corner like top right makes this property equal 0;
         * </p>
        public final double getAll(); 
         * <p>
         * Gets or sets the value for all corners.
         * Changing of any partial corner like top right makes this property equal 0;
         * </p>
        public final void setAll(double value);
         * <p>
         * Gets or sets top left corner value.
         * </p>
        public final double getTopLeft(); 
         * <p>
         * Gets or sets top left corner value.
         * </p>
        public final void setTopLeft(double value);
         * <p>
         * Gets or sets top right corner value.
         * </p>
        public final double getTopRight();
         * <p>
         * Gets or sets top right corner value.
         * </p>
        public final void setTopRight(double value);
         * <p>
         * Gets or sets bottom left corner value.
         * </p>
        public final double getBottomLeft() ;
         * <p>
         * Gets or sets bottom left corner value.
         * </p>
        public final void setBottomLeft(double value);
         * <p>
         * Gets or sets bottom right corner value.
         * </p>
        public final double getBottomRight();
         * <p>
         * Gets or sets bottom right corner value.
         * </p>
        public final void setBottomRight(double value);   
         * <p>
         * Initializes a new instance of Corners class using zero values.
         * </p>
        public Corners();
         * <p>
         * Initializes a new instance of the Corners class using the supplied value for all corners.
         * </p>
         * @param all The value to be used for padding for all corners.
        public Corners(int all);
         * <p>
         * Initializes a new instance of the Corners class using the supplied values.
         * </p>
         * @param topLeft Top left corner value.
         * @param topRight Top right corner value.
         * @param bottomLeft Bottom left corner value.
         * @param bottomRight Bottom right corner value.
        public Corners(int topLeft, int topRight, int bottomLeft, int bottomRight);
  2. com.groupdocs.signature.domain.helpers.stamp.SquareBorderLine

    New public class SquareBorderLine inherits BorderLine and was added to implement square signature with rounded corners.

    This class is able to contain data about radius of square signature corners.

    SquareBorderLine class properties

     * <p>
     * Instance to keep Border line properties for square stamp line.
     * </p>
    public class SquareBorderLine extends BorderLine
         * <p>
         * Gets or sets the radius of square corners.
         * </p>
        public final Corners getRadius();
         * <p>
         * Gets or sets the radius of square corners.
         * </p>
        public final void setRadius(Corners value);
        private Corners auto_Radius;
         * <p>
         * Create SquareBorderLine with rounded corner radius.
         * </p>
         * @param radius Radius of square corners.
        public SquareBorderLine(double radius);
         * <p>
         * Create SquareBorderLine with corner radius values.
         * </p>
         * @param corners Radius of square corners.
        public SquareBorderLine(Corners corners);

    SquareBorderLine example

    // setup Signature configuration
    SignatureConfig signConfig = new SignatureConfig();
    // instantiating the signature handler
    SignatureHandler<String> handler = new SignatureHandler<String>(signConfig);
    // setup options
    ImagesStampSignOptions signOptions = new ImagesStampSignOptions();
    //Inner square lines
    StampLine line0 = new StampLine();
    //Set radius of square corner
    line0.setOuterBorder(new SquareBorderLine(new Corners(25))); //This type is supported starting from version 19.5
    SaveOptions tmp0 = new  SaveOptions();
    // sign document
    String signedPath = handler.<String>sign("test.png", signOptions, tmp0);
    System.out.println("Signed file path is: " +  signedPath);