GroupDocs.Search for .NET 20.8 Release Notes

Major Features

There are the following features and improvementes in this release:

  • Implement indexing from stream
  • Implement support for indexing .DICOM files

Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release

SEARCHNET-1932Implement indexing from streamNew Feature
SEARCHNET-2362Implement support for indexing .DICOM filesImprovement

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

Implement indexing from stream

This feature provides the ability to index documents from streams and data structures.

Public API changes

Enum DocumentSourceKind has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Common namespace.
Value File has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Common.DocumentSourceKind enum.
Value Stream has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Common.DocumentSourceKind enum.
Value Structure has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Common.DocumentSourceKind enum.

Class Document has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Common namespace.
Property DocumentSourceKind DocumentSourceKind has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Common.Document class.
Property string DocumentKey has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Common.Document class.
Property bool IsLazy has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Common.Document class.
Property DateTime ModificationDate has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Common.Document class.
Property string Extension has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Common.Document class.
Property DocumentField[] AdditionalFields has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Common.Document class.
Property string[] Attributes has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Common.Document class.
Static method Document CreateFromFile(string) has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Common.Document class.
Static method Document CreateFromStream(string, DateTime, string, Stream) has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Common.Document class.
Static method Document CreateFromStructure(string, DateTime, DocumentField[]) has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Common.Document class.
Static method Document CreateLazy(DocumentSourceKind, string, IDocumentLoader) has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Common.Document class.

Interface IDocumentLoader has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Common namespace.
Method Document LoadDocument() has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Common.IDocumentLoader interface.
Method void CloseDocument() has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Common.IDocumentLoader interface.

Property Document Document has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Events.FileIndexingEventArgs class.
Property string DocumentKey has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Events.FileIndexingEventArgs class.

Property string LastDocumentKey has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Events.OperationProgressEventArgs class.

Method ExtractedItemInfo[] GetContainerItems(Stream) has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Common.IContainerItemExtractor interface.

Method DocumentField[] GetFields(Stream) has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Common.IFieldExtractor interface.

Method void Add(Document[], IndexingOptions) has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Index class.

Use cases

The following example demonstrates how to index document from a stream.


string indexFolder = @"c:\MyIndex";
string documentFilePath = @"c:\MyDocuments\ExampleDocument.pdf";
// Creating an index
Index index = new Index(indexFolder);
// Creating a document object
Stream stream = File.OpenRead(documentFilePath);
Document document = Document.CreateFromStream(documentFilePath, DateTime.Now, ".pdf", stream);
Document[] documents = new Document[]
// Indexing document from the stream
IndexingOptions options = new IndexingOptions();
index.Add(documents, options);
// Closing the document stream after indexing is complete

Implement support for indexing .DICOM files

This improvement adds support for indexing .DICOM files.

Public API changes

Static field FileType DICOM has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Results.FileType class.

Use cases
