GroupDocs.Search for .NET 19.5.1 Release Notes

Major Features

There are the following breaking changes and bug fixes:

  • Remove obsolete methods from Alphabet class
  • Error of updating an index containing password protected documents

Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release

SEARCHNET-2019Remove obsolete methods from Alphabet classBreaking Change
SEARCHJAVA-82Error of updating an index containing password protected documentsBug

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

Remove obsolete methods from Alphabet class

Removed obsolete methods AddRange, RemoveRange from Alphabet class.
Method SetRange(char[] characters, CharacterType type) should be used instead.

Public API changes

Method AddRange(IEnumerable<char>) has been removed from GroupDocs.Search.Alphabet class.
Method RemoveRange(IEnumerable<char>) has been removed from GroupDocs.Search.Alphabet class.


This example shows how to change character type for indexing:


string indexFolder = @"c:\MyIndex";
string documentFolder = @"c:\MyDocuments";

// Creating index
Index index = new Index(indexFolder);

// Marking hyphen as valid letter
index.Dictionaries.Alphabet.SetRange(new char[] { '-' }, CharacterType.Letter);

// Marking underscore as separator
index.Dictionaries.Alphabet.SetRange(new char[] { '_' }, CharacterType.Separator);

// Indexing

// Searching
SearchResults results = index.Search("e-mail");

Error of updating an index containing password protected documents

Fixed error of updating an index containing password protected documents.

Public API changes
