
Search index settings

This page contains a description of all index settings that can be specified in an instance of the IndexSettings class.

setAutoDetectEncoding method

The setAutoDetectEncoding method sets a flag that allows you to automatically detect the following encodings of text files during indexing: UTF-32 LE, UTF-32 BE, UTF-16 LE, UTF-16 BE, UTF-8, UTF-7, ANSI. By default, the encoding auto detection of text files is disabled. But in any case, the encoding of a text file can be set during indexing when the FileIndexing event is raised. Detailed information on detecting and setting the encoding of text files is presented on the page Text file encoding detection.

getCustomExtractors method

The getCustomExtractors method returns a collection of custom text extractors that allows adding new extractors for supported or not supported formats. A complete example of implementing a custom text extractor and using it to extract text is presented on the page Custom text extractors.

setDocumentFilter method

The setDocumentFilter method allows you to set a filter used to determine whether files adding to the index should be indexed. If a document adding separately or located in the adding folder does not match the filter, then it will not be added and indexed. The default value is null, which means that all added files will be indexed if their format is supported. Detailed information on creating and setting the document indexing filter can be found on the page Document filtering during indexing.

setIndexType method

The setIndexType method is used to specify the type of an index. The IndexType class contains 3 values:

  • NormalIndex - the type of an index containing the content and metadata of the added documents. It supports all search features.
  • MetadataIndex - the type of an index containing only metadata of added documents. It supports all search features. An example of creating an index of this type is presented on the Indexing metadata of documents page.
  • CompactIndex - the type of an index containing the content and metadata of the added documents. It takes much less disk space, but does not support the phrase search and the date range search features.

The default value is NormalIndex.

getInMemoryIndex method

The getInMemoryIndex method returns a value indicating whether an index is located in RAM or on disk. The return value for this method is set indirectly when creating or loading an index. An index is created on disk, when specifying the path to the index folder, otherwise an index is created in memory.

setLogger method

The setLogger method allows you to specify in the index settings the logger used for logging index events and errors during its operation. The default value is null meaning that logging is not used. Detailed information on creating and assigning an index logger and the implementation of a custom logger is presented on the page Logging.

setMaxIndexingReportCount method

The setMaxIndexingReportCount method allows you to specify the maximum number of indexing reports stored in RAM for an index since it was created or loaded. The default value is 5. Detailed information on indexing reports is provided on the page Indexing reports.

setMaxSearchReportCount method

The setMaxSearchReportCount method allows you to specify the maximum number of search reports stored in RAM for an index since it was created or loaded. The default value is 10. Detailed information on search reports is provided on the page Search reports.

setSearchThreads method

The setSearchThreads method allows you to set the number of threads used to search in an index. By default, this value is NumberOfThreads.Default, which means that the search will be performed using the number of threads equal to the number of processor cores. This number of threads ensures the optimal rate of each individual search in an index. If you plan a large number of parallel search queries and you need to ensure maximum total search performance, you should set the NumberOfThreads.One value for this parameter.

setTextStorageSettings method

The setTextStorageSettings method allows you to specify the settings for saving the text of indexed documents in an index. The default value is null, which means that document texts are not stored. Detailed information on saving the text of indexed documents in an index is presented on the page Storing text of indexed documents.

setUseCharacterReplacements method

The setUseCharacterReplacements method allows you to set the value indicating whether to perform character replacements during the indexing process or not. The default value is false. Details on replacing characters during indexing are provided on the page Character replacement during Indexing.

setUseStopWords method

The setUseStopWords method allows you to specify a value indicating whether to use stop words during indexing or not. Stop words are frequently used words that do not carry a semantic load, which are removed from an index to reduce its size. The default value for this parameter is true. Detailed information on stop words and their use is presented on the page Indexing with stop words.

setUseRawTextExtraction method

Property setUseRawTextExtraction allows you to specify a value indicating whether to use raw text extraction mode whenever possible during indexing. The raw text extraction mode can significantly speed up the indexing process at the cost of losing the formatting quality of the extracted text. The default value for this parameter is true.

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