
Output adapters

Output adapters are used to output generated HTML or plain text to various output objects. The following output adapters are currently supported:

  • FileOutputAdapter is an output adapter that is used to output text to a file. The path to a file is specified in the constructor of the adapter.
  • StreamOutputAdapter is an output adapter that is used to output text to a stream. The stream is specified in the constructor of the adapter.
  • StringOutputAdapter is an output adapter that is used to output text to a string. The resulting string can be accessed through the getResult method of the adapter class.
  • StructureOutputAdapter is an output adapter that is used to output the text of each field of the document separately. The resulting array of fields can be accessed through the getResult method of the adapter class.

The example below demonstates how to use adapters of different types.

String indexFolder = "c:\\MyIndex\\";
String documentsFolder = "c:\\MyDocuments\\";

// Creating an index settings instance
IndexSettings settings = new IndexSettings();
settings.setTextStorageSettings(new TextStorageSettings(Compression.High)); // Enabling the storage of extracted text in the index

// Creating an index in the specified folder
Index index = new Index(indexFolder, settings);

// Indexing documents from the specified folder

// Getting list of indexed documents
DocumentInfo[] documents = index.getIndexedDocuments();

// Getting a document text
if (documents.length > 0) {
    DocumentInfo document = documents[0];

    // Output to a file
    FileOutputAdapter fileOutputAdapter = new FileOutputAdapter(OutputFormat.Html, "C:\\Text.html");
    index.getDocumentText(document, fileOutputAdapter);

    // Output to a stream
    try (OutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream()) {
        StreamOutputAdapter streamOutputAdapter = new StreamOutputAdapter(OutputFormat.Html, stream);
        index.getDocumentText(document, streamOutputAdapter);

    // Output to a string
    StringOutputAdapter stringOutputAdapter = new StringOutputAdapter(OutputFormat.Html);
    index.getDocumentText(document, stringOutputAdapter);
    String htmlText = stringOutputAdapter.getResult();

    // Output to a structure
    StructureOutputAdapter structureOutputAdapter = new StructureOutputAdapter(OutputFormat.PlainText);
    index.getDocumentText(document, structureOutputAdapter);
    DocumentField[] fields = structureOutputAdapter.getResult();
    for (DocumentField field : fields) {
        System.out.println("\t" + field.getName());

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GitHub examples

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