GroupDocs.Metadata for .NET 19.2 Release Notes

Major Features

There are the following features and enhancements in this release:

  • Implement support for the ASF format
  • Implement the ability to render image previews for supported document types
  • Refactor base metadata classes to add support for hierarchical metadata structures
  • Remove obsolete EXIF APIs
  • Remove Mp3Format obsolete members

All Changes

METADATANET-1635Implement support for the ASF formatNew Feature
METADATANET-2441Implement the ability to render image previews for supported document typesNew Feature
METADATANET-1369Refactor base metadata classes to add support for hierarchical metadata structuresEnhancement
METADATANET-2636Remove obsolete EXIF APIsEnhancement
METADATANET-1636Remove Mp3Format obsolete membersEnhancement

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

Implement support for the ASF format

This new feature allows a user to work with multimedia files encoded with the ASF container

Public API changes

The AsfAudioStreamProperty class has been added to the GroupDocs.Metadata.Formats.Video namespace

The *AsfBaseDescriptor *class has been added to the GroupDocs.Metadata.Formats.Video namespace

The *AsfBaseStreamProperty *class has been added to the GroupDocs.Metadata.Formats.Video namespace

The *AsfCodecInfo *class has been added to the GroupDocs.Metadata.Formats.Video namespace

The *AsfContentDescriptor *class has been added to the GroupDocs.Metadata.Formats.Video namespace

The *AsfFormat *class has been added to the GroupDocs.Metadata.Formats.Video namespace

The *AsfMetadata *class has been added to the GroupDocs.Metadata.Formats.Video namespace

The *AsfMetadataDescriptor *class has been added to the GroupDocs.Metadata.Formats.Video namespace

The *AsfVideoStreamProperty *class has been added to the GroupDocs.Metadata.Formats.Video namespace

The *AsfCodecType *enum has been added to the GroupDocs.Metadata.Formats.Video namespace

The *AsfDescriptorType *enum has been added to the GroupDocs.Metadata.Formats.Video namespace

The *AsfExtendedStreamPropertiesFlags *enum has been added to the GroupDocs.Metadata.Formats.Video namespace

The *AsfFilePropertiesFlag *enum has been added to the GroupDocs.Metadata.Formats.Video namespace

The *AsfStreamType *enum has been added to the GroupDocs.Metadata.Formats.Video namespace

The Asf item has been added to the MetadataType enum

The Asf item has been added to the DocumentType enum

Use case to read ASF video native metadata

using (AsfFormat format = new AsfFormat(@"D:\input.asf"))
    AsfMetadata metadata = format.AsfInfo;

    foreach (AsfCodecInfo codecInfo in metadata.CodecInformation)

    foreach (AsfBaseDescriptor descriptor in metadata.MetadataDescriptors)
        AsfMetadataDescriptor metadataDescriptor = descriptor as AsfMetadataDescriptor;
        if (metadataDescriptor != null)

    foreach (AsfBaseStreamProperty property in metadata.StreamProperties)

        AsfAudioStreamProperty audioStreamProperty = property as AsfAudioStreamProperty;
        if (audioStreamProperty != null)

        AsfVideoStreamProperty videoStreamProperty = property as AsfVideoStreamProperty;
        if (videoStreamProperty != null)

Use case to read and write XMP metadata

using (AsfFormat format = new AsfFormat(@"D:\input.asf"))

    format.XmpValues.Schemes.XmpBasic.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
    format.XmpValues.Schemes.XmpBasic.Label = "Test";
    format.XmpValues.Schemes.DublinCore.Format = "ASF Video";


Use case to remove XMP metadata

using (AsfFormat format = new AsfFormat(@"D:\input.asf"))

Implement the ability to render image previews for supported document types

This new feature allows a user to render image previews for documents of some popular formats supported by GroupDocs.Metadata for .Net. It can be used for creating demo applications

Public API changes

The *PreviewFactory *class has been added to the *GroupDocs.Metadata.Preview *namespace

The *PreviewHandler *class has been added to the *GroupDocs.Metadata.Preview *namespace

The *PreviewImageData *class has been added to the *GroupDocs.Metadata.Preview *namespace

The *PreviewInvalidPasswordException *class has been added to the *GroupDocs.Metadata.Preview *namespace

The *PreviewNotSupportedException *class has been added to the *GroupDocs.Metadata.Preview *namespace

The *PreviewPage *class has been added to the *GroupDocs.Metadata.Preview *namespace

The *PreviewUnitOfMeasurement *enum has been added to the *GroupDocs.Metadata.Preview *namespace

The *ProtectableDocumentPreviewHandler *class has been added to the *GroupDocs.Metadata.Preview *namespace

The *CellsPreviewHandler *class has been added to the *GroupDocs.Metadata.Preview.Formats *namespace

The *DiagramPreviewHandler *class has been added to the *GroupDocs.Metadata.Preview.Formats *namespace

The *DjvuImagePreviewHandler *class has been added to the *GroupDocs.Metadata.Preview.Formats *namespace

The *GifImagePreviewHandler *class has been added to the *GroupDocs.Metadata.Preview.Formats *namespace

The *ImagePreviewHandler *class has been added to the *GroupDocs.Metadata.Preview.Formats *namespace

The *NotesPreviewHandler *class has been added to the *GroupDocs.Metadata.Preview.Formats *namespace

The *PdfPreviewHandler *class has been added to the *GroupDocs.Metadata.Preview.Formats *namespace

The *SlidesPreviewHandler *class has been added to the *GroupDocs.Metadata.Preview.Formats *namespace

The *TiffImagePreviewHandler *class has been added to the *GroupDocs.Metadata.Preview.Formats *namespace

The *WordsPreviewHandler *class has been added to the *GroupDocs.Metadata.Preview.Formats *namespace

Use case to create preview images for all document pages

using (PreviewHandler handler = PreviewFactory.Load(@"D:\input.docx"))
    for (int i = 0; i < handler.Pages.Length; i++)
        PreviewImageData[] pagePreviews = handler.GetPageImage(i);
        for (int j = 0; j < pagePreviews.Length; j++)
            File.WriteAllBytes(string.Format(@"D:\preview\{0}-{1}.png", i, j), pagePreviews[j].Contents);

Refactor base metadata classes to add support for hierarchical metadata structures

This enhancement is necessary to introduce metadata types with hierarchical structure

Public API changes

The ReadPropertyValue method has been added to the DocumentMetadata class

The SetValueByKey method has been added to the DocumentMetadata class

The ToPropertyArray method has been added to the IptcDataSet class

The IptcDataSetCollection() constructor has been added to the IptcDataSetCollection class

The IptcDataSetCollection(IptcProperty[]) constructor has been added to the IptcDataSetCollection class

The this[int] indexer has been added to the IptcDataSetCollection class

The this[int,int] indexer has been added to the IptcDataSetCollection class

The AddOrUpdate(IptcProperty) method has been added to the IptcDataSetCollection class

The AddOrUpdate(IptcDataSet) method has been added to the IptcDataSetCollection class

The Remove(int) method has been added to the IptcDataSetCollection class

The Remove(int,int) method has been added to the IptcDataSetCollection class

The Clear method has been added to the IptcDataSetCollection class

The ToPropertyArray method has been added to the IptcDataSetCollection class

The IptcProperty(int,int,string) constructor has been added to the IptcProperty class

The IptcProperty(int,int,int) constructor has been added to the IptcProperty class

The IptcProperty(int,int,DateTime) constructor has been added to the IptcProperty class

The AlternativeName property has been added to the IptcProperty class

The IptcValues property has been added to the JpegFormat class

The IptcValues property has been added to the PsdFormat class

The IptcValues property has been added to the TiffFormat class

The *TiffTag *class is now inherited from the *MetadataProperty *class

The IptcValues property has been added to the IIptc interface

The MetadataProperty(string,PropertyValue) constructor has been added to the MetadataProperty class

The DoubleArray item has been added to the MetadataPropertyType enum

The IntegerArray item has been added to the MetadataPropertyType enum

The LongArray item has been added to the MetadataPropertyType enum

The Metadata item has been added to the MetadataPropertyType enum

The MetadataArray item has been added to the MetadataPropertyType enum

The ToDoubleArray method has been added to the PropertyValue class

The ToIntegerArray method has been added to the PropertyValue class

The ToLongArray method has been added to the PropertyValue class

The ToMetadataArray method has been added to the PropertyValue class

The ToMetadata method has been added to the PropertyValue class

The *IptcProperty *class is now inherited form the MetadataProperty class

The IptcDataSetCollection.IptcDataSetCollection(IptcCollection) constructor has been marked as obsolete

The DocumentMetadata.this[string] indexer has been marked as obsolete

The JpegFormat.HasIptc property has been marked as obsolete

The JpegFormat.GetIptc method has been marked as obsolete

The JpegFormat.UpdateIptc method has been marked as obsolete

The JpegFormat.RemoveIptc method has been marked as obsolete

The PsdFormat.HasIptc property has been marked as obsolete

The PsdFormat.GetIptc method has been marked as obsolete

The PsdFormat.UpdateIptc method has been marked as obsolete

The PsdFormat.RemoveIptc method has been marked as obsolete

The TiffFormat.HasIptc property has been marked as obsolete

The TiffFormat.GetIptc method has been marked as obsolete

The IIptc.HasIptc property has been marked as obsolete

The IIptc*.GetIptc* method has been marked as obsolete

The IIptc*.UpdateIptc* method has been marked as obsolete

The IIptc*.RemoveIptc* method has been marked as obsolete

The MetadataProperty.MetadataProperty() constructor has been marked as obsolete

The MetadataProperty.Name property setter has been marked as obsolete

The MetadataProperty.Value property setter has been marked as obsolete

The MetadataProperty.Equals(MetadataProperty,bool) method has been marked as obsolete

The PropertyValue.Equals(PropertyValue,bool*)* method has been marked as obsolete

The ExifMetadata class has been marked as obsolete

The IptcCollection class has been marked as obsolete

The IptcMetadata class has been marked as obsolete

The IptcProperty*.IptcProperty(int,string,int,string)* constructor has been marked as obsolete

The IptcProperty*.IptcProperty(int,string,int,DateTime)* constructor has been marked as obsolete

The IptcProperty*.IptcProperty(int,string,int,int)* constructor has been marked as obsolete

The IptcProperty*.PropertyType* property has been marked as obsolete

The IptcProperty*.ToByteArray* method has been marked as obsolete

The IptcProperty*.ToInt* method has been marked as obsolete

The IptcProperty*.ToDate* method has been marked as obsolete

The IptcProperty**Type enum has been marked as obsolete

Use case to display the whole metadata tree of a file

static void Main(string[] args)
    License l = new License();

    using (FormatBase format = FormatFactory.RecognizeFormat(@"D:\input.asf"))
        DisplayMetadataTree(format.GetMetadata(), 0);

private static void DisplayMetadataTree(Metadata metadata, int indent)
    if (metadata != null)
        var stringMetadataType = metadata.MetadataType.ToString();
        Console.WriteLine(stringMetadataType.PadLeft(stringMetadataType.Length + indent));
        foreach (MetadataProperty property in metadata)
            string stringPropertyRepresentation = string.Format("Name: {0}, Value: {1}", property.Name, property.GetFormattedValue());
            Console.WriteLine(stringPropertyRepresentation.PadLeft(stringPropertyRepresentation.Length + indent + 1));
            if (property.Value != null)
                switch (property.Value.Type)
                    case MetadataPropertyType.Metadata:
                        DisplayMetadataTree(property.Value.ToMetadata(), indent + 2);
                    case MetadataPropertyType.MetadataArray:
                        DisplayMetadataTree(property.Value.ToMetadataArray(), indent + 2);
private static void DisplayMetadataTree(Metadata[] metadataArray, int indent)
    if (metadataArray != null)
        foreach (Metadata metadata in metadataArray)
            DisplayMetadataTree(metadata, indent);

Remove obsolete EXIF APIs

This enhancement removes some obsolete members and classes that were used to work with EXIF metadata.

Public API changes

The CameraOwnerName property has been removed from the ExifInfo class

The *BodySerialNumber *property has been removed from the ExifInfo class

The CFAPattern property has been removed from the ExifInfo class

The UserComment property has been removed from the ExifInfo class

The JpegExifInfo class has been removed form the GroupDocs.Metadata.Formats.Image namespace

Use cases

Please use the appropriate properties of the *ExifIfdInfo *class instead

using (JpegFormat format = new JpegFormat(@"D:\input.jpg"))
    format.ExifValues.ExifIfdData.CameraOwnerName = "test owner";
    format.ExifValues.ExifIfdData.BodySerialNumber = "body-123";
    format.ExifValues.ExifIfdData.CFAPattern = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 };
    format.ExifValues.ExifIfdData.UserComment = "test comment";


The JpegExifInfo class is no longer needed since you can use an instance of ExifInfo instead

ExifInfo exif = new ExifInfo();
exif.Artist = "test artist";
exif.Copyright = "(C)";
exif.ExifIfdData.CameraOwnerName = "test owner";
exif.ExifIfdData.BodySerialNumber = "body-123";
exif.ExifIfdData.CFAPattern = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 };
exif.ExifIfdData.UserComment = "test comment";

using (JpegFormat format = new JpegFormat(@"D:\input.jpg"))

Remove Mp3Format obsolete members

This enhancement removes some obsolete members of the Mp3Format class.

Public API changes

The Lyrics3v2 property has been removed from the Mp3Format class

Please use the GetLyrics3Tag method instead

using (Mp3Format format = new Mp3Format(@"D:\input.mp3"))
    Lyrics3Tag lyricsTag = format.GetLyrics3Tag();
    if (lyricsTag != null)
        // ...