GroupDocs.Metadata for .NET 18.5 Release Notes

Major Features

There are the following enhancements in this release:

  • Implement the ability to search and replace metadata using regular expressions
  • Implement unified DublinCore metadata reader for all formats that support XMP
  • Reduce memory consumption of zip format metadata loading and saving
  • Implement the ability to edit the zip archive comment
  • Reduce memory consumption of epub format metadata loading
  • Reduce memory consumption of torrent format metadata loading and saving

All Changes

METADATANET-566Implement the ability to search and replace metadata using regular expressionsEnhancement 
METADATANET-2238 Implement unified DublinCore metadata reader for all formats that support XMPEnhancement 
METADATANET-2246Reduce memory consumption of zip format metadata loading and saving  Enhancement  
METADATANET-2288Implement the ability to edit the zip archive comment Enhancement 
METADATANET-2290Reduce memory consumption of epub format metadata loading Enhancement 
METADATANET-2291Reduce memory consumption of torrent format metadata loading and savingEnhancement 

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

Implement the ability to search and replace metadata using regular expressions


This enhancement allows a user to search and replace metadata by using regular expressions

Public API changes

ScanDocument(string,Regex) method has been added to SearchFacade class
ScanDocument(Stream,Regex) method has been added to SearchFacade class
ScanXmp(string,Regex) method has been added to SearchFacade class
ScanXmp(Stream,Regex) method has been added to SearchFacade class
ScanExif(string,Regex) method has been added to SearchFacade class
ScanExif(Stream,Regex) method has been added to SearchFacade class
ReplaceInDocument(string,Regex,string,string) method has been added to SearchFacade class
ReplaceInDocument(Stream,Regex,string,string) method has been added to SearchFacade class
ReplaceInXmp(string,Regex,string,string) method has been added to SearchFacade class
ReplaceInXmp(Stream,Regex,string,string) method has been added to SearchFacade class
ReplaceInExif(string,Regex,string,string) method has been added to SearchFacade class
ReplaceInExif(Stream,Regex,string,string) method has been added to SearchFacade class


Find metadata in a document.

string testFile = @"D:\test.docx";
Regex pattern = new Regex("author|company", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
MetadataPropertyCollection properties = SearchFacade.ScanDocument(testFile, pattern);
for (int i = 0; i < properties.Count; i++)

Replace metadata in a document.

string inputFile = @"D:\input.xlsx";
string outputFile = @"D:\output.xlsx";
Regex pattern = new Regex("^author|company$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
string replaceValue = "Aspose";
SearchFacade.ReplaceInDocument(inputFile, pattern, replaceValue, outputFile);

Find XMP metadata.

string testFile = @"D:\xmp.gif";
Regex pattern = new Regex("^.*description$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
XmpNodeView[] properties = SearchFacade.ScanXmp(testFile, pattern);
for (int i = 0; i < properties.Length; i++)

Replace XMP metadata.

string inputFile = @"D:\input.gif";
string outputFile = @"D:\output.gif";
Regex pattern = new Regex("^.*description$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
string replaceValue = "Test file";
SearchFacade.ReplaceInXmp(inputFile, pattern, replaceValue, outputFile);

Find EXIF metadata.

string testFile = @"D:\exif.jpg";
Regex pattern = new Regex(".*");
ExifProperty[] properties = SearchFacade.ScanExif(testFile, pattern);
for (int i = 0; i < properties.Length; i++)

Replace EXIF metadata.

string inputFile = @"D:\input.jpg";
string outputFile = @"D:\output.jpg";
Regex pattern = new Regex("James", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
string replaceValue = "John";
SearchFacade.ReplaceInExif(inputFile, pattern, replaceValue, outputFile);

Implement unified DublinCore metadata reader for all formats that support XMP


This enhancement allows a user to obtain Dublin Core metadata using the unified approach.

Public API changes

IDublinCore interface has been added to GroupDocs.Metadata namespace
IXmp interface is now inherited from IDublinCore interface
DocFormat class now implements IDublinCore interface
PdfFormat class now implements IDublinCore interface
EpubFormat class now implements IDublinCore interface
GifFormat class now implements IDublinCore interface
Jp2Format class now implements IDublinCore interface
JpegFormat class now implements IDublinCore interface
PngFormat class now implements IDublinCore interface
PsdFormat class now implements IDublinCore interface
TiffFormat class now implements IDublinCore interface
AviFormat class now implements IDublinCore interface
Rights property has been added to DublinCoreMetadata class
Identifier property has been added to DublinCoreMetadata class


Get Dublin Core metadata using MetadataUtility class.

string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(@"D:\test");
foreach (string file in files)
        DublinCoreMetadata dublinCoreMetadata = (DublinCoreMetadata)MetadataUtility.ExtractSpecificMetadata(file, MetadataType.DublinCore);
        if (dublinCoreMetadata != null)
        Console.WriteLine("Could not load {0}", file);

Get Dublin Core metadata using IDublinCore interface.

string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(@"D:\test");
foreach (string file in files)
        using (FormatBase format = FormatFactory.RecognizeFormat(file))
            IDublinCore dublinCoreContainer = format as IDublinCore;
            if (dublinCoreContainer != null)
                DublinCoreMetadata dublinCoreMetadata = dublinCoreContainer.GetDublinCore();
                if (dublinCoreMetadata != null)
        Console.WriteLine("Could not load {0}", file);

Reduce memory consumption of zip format metadata loading and saving 


This enhancement allows working with zip archives with less memory consumption.

Public API changes



Please note that ZipFormat class implements IDisposable interface and it’s necessary to call Dispose() method when you’re done working with its instance.

using (ZipFormat format = new ZipFormat(@"d:\"))
    // Working with the zip archive metadata

If you are loading a zip file from a stream, it’s up to you to close the stream when the archive is not needed anymore.

using (Stream stream = File.Open(@"d:\", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
    using (ZipFormat format = new ZipFormat(stream))
        // Working with the zip archive metadata
    // The stream is still open here

The same rule works if you are saving the output file into a stream.

using (Stream stream = File.Open(@"d:\", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
    using (ZipFormat format = new ZipFormat(@"d:\"))
        // Working with the zip archive metadata

    // The stream is still open here

Implement the ability to edit the zip archive comment   


This enhancement allows a user to edit the zip archive comment.

Public API changes

A setter has been added to ZipMetadata.Comment property
A setter has been added to ZipFormat.ZipFileComment property


Change the comment of a zip archive.

using (ZipFormat format = new ZipFormat(@"d:\"))
    format.ZipInfo.Comment = "test comment";

Or alternatively, you can use ZipFormat.ZipFileComment property.

using (ZipFormat format = new ZipFormat(@"d:\"))
    format.ZipFileComment = "test comment";

Reduce memory consumption of epub format metadata loading


This enhancement allows working with epub books with less memory consumption.

Public API changes



Please note that EpubFormat class implements IDisposable interface and it’s necessary to call Dispose() method when you’re done working with its instance.

using (EpubFormat format = new EpubFormat(@"d:\input.epub"))
    // Working with the epub book metadata

If you are loading an epub file from a stream, it’s up to you to close the stream when the file is not needed anymore.

using (Stream stream = File.Open(@"d:\input.epub", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
    using (EpubFormat format = new EpubFormat(stream))
        // Working with the epub book metadata
    // The stream is still open here

The same rule works if you are saving the output file into a stream.

using (Stream stream = File.Open(@"d:\output.epub", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
    using (EpubFormat format = new EpubFormat(@"d:\input.epub"))
        // Working with the epub book metadata

    // The stream is still open here

Reduce memory consumption of torrent format metadata loading and saving


This enhancement allows working with torrent files with less memory consumption.

Public API changes



Please note that TorrentFormat class implements IDisposable interface and it’s necessary to call Dispose() method when you’re done working with its instance.

using (TorrentFormat format = new TorrentFormat(@"d:\input.torrent"))
    // Working with the torrent file metadata

If you are loading an epub file from a stream, it’s up to you to close the stream when the file is not needed anymore.

using (Stream stream = File.Open(@"d:\input.torrent", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
    using (TorrentFormat format = new TorrentFormat(stream))
        // Working with the torrent file metadata
    // The stream is still open here

The same rule works if you are saving the output file into a stream.

using (Stream stream = File.Open(@"d:\output.torrent", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
    using (TorrentFormat format = new TorrentFormat(@"d:\input.torrent"))
        // Working with the torrent file metadata

    // The stream is still open here