GroupDocs.Metadata for .NET 17.12 Release Notes

Major Features

There are 2 new features in this regular monthly release. The most notable are:

  • Ability to remove comment in ZIP format
  • Ability to read thumbnail of EXIF format

All Changes

METADATANET-2015Ability to remove comment of ZIP formatNew Feature
METADATANET-2016  Ability to read thumbnail of JPEG format from EXIF segmentNew Feature 

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

Ability to remove comment of ZIP format


This feature allows removing user comment in ZIP format.

Public API changes

Added RemoveFileComment method to class GroupDocs.Metadata.Formats.Archive.ZipFormat.


This example demonstrates how to remove user comment in ZIP format.

string path = "..";

// open zip
ZipFormat zipFormat = new ZipFormat(path);

// remove user comment

// and commit changes

Ability to read thumbnail of JPEG format from EXIF segment


This feature allows reading thumbnail of JPEG format from EXIF segment. It’s very useful for large images.

Public API changes

Added Thumbnail property to class GroupDocs.Metadata.Formats.Image.ExifInfo.


This example demonstrates how to read thumbnail of JPEG format from EXIF segment and store it to a file.

// init jpeg
JpegFormat jpeg = new JpegFormat(path);

// get exif data
var exifData = jpeg.GetExifInfo();
if (exifData != null)
     // get thumbnail
     byte[] thumbnail = exifData.Thumbnail;

     // if exist then store to the file
     if (thumbnail.Length > 0)
           File.WriteAllBytes("C:\\1.jpeg", thumbnail);