GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET 20.3 Release Notes

Major Features

There are 20+ features, improvements and bug-fixes in this release, most notable are:

  • Introduced possibility to hide border while converting Wordprocessing to HTML
  • When converting from email, field captions could be localized
  • When converting from email current set culture is respected when saving datetime
  • Improved initial bootstrap performance 
  • Now can add page numbering when convert html to Wordprocessing 

Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release

CONVERSIONNET‑3351FeatureSupport for page numeration in the output document when convert html to Wordprocessing documents
CONVERSIONNET‑3733FeatureHide / remove borders while converting DOCX to HTML
CONVERSIONNET‑3748FeatureImplement rename email fields when converting an Email file
CONVERSIONNET‑3674ImprovementChange date format when converting from email formats
CONVERSIONNET‑3734ImprovementEnhance loading times in general / for Converter
CONVERSIONNET‑3596FixError in converting a particular DOCX to PDF
CONVERSIONNET‑3633FixNot supported file type exception for certain JPG when using FileStream
CONVERSIONNET‑3652FixWatermark and Zoom are not applied when converting ProjectManagement to Markup
CONVERSIONNET‑3653FixConverting MSG document with attachments fails with NullReference exception
CONVERSIONNET‑3655FixXML support is no more available in 20.1
CONVERSIONNET‑3662FixXML document type is not listed in the possible conversions pair
CONVERSIONNET‑3688FixException while Converting MPP to PDF
CONVERSIONNET‑3693FixException while Converting VSDX to PDF
CONVERSIONNET‑3721FixAPI compatibility with System.Drawing.Common version 4.6.0-preview6.19303.8.
CONVERSIONNET‑3708FixStreamToFileType adapter in Foundation do not detect certain jpg file
CONVERSIONNET‑3722FixException while Converting VSDX to PDF
CONVERSIONNET‑3736FixConverting image to Pdf takes too long
CONVERSIONNET‑3741FixEml to Xlsx conversion issue
CONVERSIONNET‑3742FixImages not resized proportionally when only height or width is set
CONVERSIONNET‑3654FixParticular DWG is not detected correctly from StreamToFileTypeAdapter
CONVERSIONNET‑3728FixAspect ratio/output dimension issue 

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

  1. GroupDocs.Conversion.Options.Convert.MarkupConvertOptions
    Introduced new property in class MarkupConvertOptions

    /// <summary>
    /// Show page borders when converting to fixed layout. Default is True.
    /// </summary>
    public bool FixedLayoutShowBorders { get; set; }


    var source = "sample.docx";
    using (var converter = new Converter(source))
        var options = new MarkupConvertOptions
            FixedLayoutShowBorders = false
        converter.Convert("converted.html" , options);
  2. GroupDocs.Conversion.Options.Load.EmailLoadOptions
    New properties in EmailLoadOptions

    /// <summary>
    /// The mapping between email message <see cref="EmailField"/> and field text representation
    /// </summary>
    public Dictionary<EmailField, string> FieldTextMap { get; set; }
    /// <summary>
    /// Defines whether need to keep original date header string in mail message when saving or not (Default value is true) 
    /// </summary>
    public bool PreserveOriginalDate { get; set; }


    var source = "sample.eml";
    var loadOptions = new EmailLoadOptions
        FieldTextMap = new Dictionary<EmailField, string>
            { EmailField.Subject, "Gegenstand" },
            { EmailField.From, "Von" },
            { EmailField.Attachments, "Anhänge" }
    using (var converter = new Converter(source, () => loadOptions))
        var options = new PdfConvertOptions();
        converter.Convert("converted.pdf" , options);
  3. GroupDocs.Conversion.Options.Load.MarkupLoadOptions
    Introduced new class MarkupLoadOptions

    /// <summary>
    /// Options for loading Markup documents.
    /// </summary>
    public sealed class MarkupLoadOptions : LoadOptions
       /// <summary>
       /// Enable or disable generation of page numbering in converted document. Default: false
       /// </summary>
       public bool PageNumbering { get; set; }


    var source = "sample.html";
    var loadOptions = new MarkupLoadOptions
        PageNumbering = true
    using (var converter = new Converter(source, () => loadOptions))
        var options = new WordProcessingConvertOptions();
        converter.Convert("converted.docx" , options);