Classify document by path

Classify document by path with IAB-2 taxonomy and return 2 best results

Classifying of the document could be performed with the next steps

  • Call Classify method for “document.pdf” file in the current (".") directory with IAB-2 taxonomy and return 2 best results.
  • Handle possible ApiException
    var response = classifier.Classify("document.pdf", ".", 3, Taxonomy.Iab2);
    Console.WriteLine(response.BestClassName, response.BestClassProbability);
catch (ApiException e)

Precisely classify document by path with Documents taxonomy and return 4 best results

  • Call Classify method for “document.doc” file in the current (".") directory with Documents taxonomy, set precision/recall balance to “Precision” and return 4 best results.
  • Handle possible ApiException
    var response = classifier.Classify("document.doc", ".", 4, Taxonomy.Documents, PrecisionRecallBalance.Precision);
    Console.WriteLine(response.BestClassName, response.BestClassProbability);
catch (ApiException e)

Classify password-protected document

Classifying of the password-protected document could be performed with the next step

  • Call Classify method for “document.doc” file in the current (".") directory with password parameter.
  • Handle possible ApiException
    response = classifier.Classify("password-protected.docx", dataFolderPath, password: "password");
    Console.WriteLine(response.BestClassName, response.BestClassProbability);
catch (ApiException e)

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